Biden leads Trump by 6 points in Wisconsin: poll

By Rebecca Klar |

L/R: Biden and President Trump

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads President Trump by 6 points in the battleground state of Wisconsin, according to a new poll.

Half of likely voters in Wisconsin said they will vote for Biden in the election, while 44 percent said they will vote for Trump, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll released Sunday.

Four percent said they were โ€œnot sureโ€ who they would vote for, and 2 percent said they would vote for someone else, based on the poll.

Wisconsin is one of several key battleground states Trump narrowly carried in 2016 that Democrats are looking to flip in November to unseat the president.

The survey was conducted amid unrest after the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis. Clashes between demonstrators in the city emerged; two men were fatally shot at the end of August during a protest, and officials later arrested 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who was charged with homicide.

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