As 2023 Elections Draw Closer, Many Ponder Over Oppositions’ Quest For Power

By Joel C. Brooks*

Executives of the ‘Divided’ Collaborating Political Parties

The political hope of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) is said to be growing by the day for another six years following report that the opposition political parties are yet to see reasons in their battle against the ruling establishment come 2023 amid the continues ‘In-house-miss-understanding’ amongst themselves.

Supporters of the opposition political parties are said to be losing hope due to the lack of understanding amongst leaders of the opposition, a situation many believed is accelerating the second term bid of the ruling CDC, noting that if the current noise within the opposition, particularly the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) is not put to rest, their quest for the Executive Mansion will fall, prey.

According to GNN investigation, many supporters of the opposition community are finding it very difficult to seriously comprehend the unbending confusion that is flooding the political atmosphere of the country’s electoral corridor with many murmuring as to the actual existence of the opposition community ahead of the historic 2023 general and presidential elections.

Some Liberians who spoke to the GNN, said crisis have concomitantly overshadowed and muddied the political waters within the opposition community, thus endangering its chances to capture state power, while the ruling government has confidently relaxed to win its second term bid; riding on the current confusion within the opposition to continue its 12th years’ term.

The unhelpfulness report from the opposition community on a daily report in the media, mainly from the CPP and other opposition political parties without settling the ugly political dust ahead of the 2023 elections may cripple their chances, if the fail to see reasons by putting their political act together.

Information gathered by this outlet, even though not confirm has indicated that the former Liberian leader, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is providing some technical advises to one of the collaborating political parties aimed destroying the chances of the former ruling Unity Party (UP) of Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai not to succeed in his quest for the presidency come 2023.

The reported bid for the former Liberian leader to render political helping hand to another opposition political party instead of her own UP has created more questions than answers, with many wondering as to why she has completely turn her insipid support to her birth political party, a situation that made many to wonder as to what did her former Vice President, Joseph N. Boakai did to her to be treated like this, as she has reportedly vowed not to throw her support behind his presidency bid.

This sour relationship between both of them seems to baffle many after their 12 years of leadership for Liberia; this guess is for everyone to ponder over. However, as it is always said in Liberia, ‘Every long rope in the bush has end’ time shall tell, I rest my case.

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