Amid 2023 Elections, Hardship Pushing Liberians Taste For Change

Citizens of Africa’s oldest independent state, Liberia ahead of the 2023 general and presidential elections are warried over the state of their Country’s economy.
Our reporters who toured Monrovia, the nation’s capital observed that many residents who spoke to them bittered with the government for the poor management of the Country’s state of the economy, and further wondered as to what is really happening.
Many of them complained the difficulties they are going through due to the Hardship, including the hard price commodities backed with the recently imposed huge cost of gasoline and transportation.
“I can’t wait to see the 2023 general and presidential elections; we need a real change, our hopes and expectations have been dashed”, Daniel G. Collins, a resident of Central Monrovia speaking to GNN reporters today, said.
Like Daniel, others who also spoke to our staff blamed the poor management of the economy on those in power, who he noted have refused to shape the economy in a rightful manner.
Currently the city of Monrovia has been overwhelmed by criminals who have been described locally as ‘Zokos’, many of whom who are roaming the streets day and night to rob people in the name of Hardship.
“With the look of things, opposition politicians must see reason in putting on their thinking caps if they are to succeed, and stop the in house fighting amongst themselves,” Emmerly Cooper, a resident of Sinkor in a rather disappointing mood told the GNN
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