AFELL Demands Speedy Investigation Over ‘Humiliation’ of Female Police Officer
As Senior LNP Police Assaults Junior Female Officer In Maryland County
The Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) has condemned in the strongest term what it calls “barbaric, brutal and gruesome physical assault’ on Officer Rebecca Nimely of the Liberia National Police in Maryland County.
The alleged act according to AFELL was meted out by the Maryland County Police Commander, Jacob Comehn of the Liberia National Police.
In a statement, AFELL says officer Rebecca Nimely is crying out for justice, saying since the act was carried out against her, little was done by disrobing officer Jacob Comehn of his duty.
Meanwhile, AFELL calls on the head of the Liberia National Police Col. Patrick Sudue, whose key responsibility is protecting lives and proprieties to impress on the Division of Professional Standard for speedy investigation.
“AFELL learned that the alleged perpetrator has been disrobed from the police, but this is not enough. The investigation of this matter should be concluded in the shortest possible time and the case forwarded to court,” he said.
The statement further said “AFELL will join the prosecutor arm of the Ministry 0f Justice to ensure this matter is legally resolved for justice to be served. AFELL was able to get in touch with the victim and is still in touch with the victim through the assistance of the Gender Ministry.”
Source: Reuben Sei Waylaun
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