‘Zig Zag Marzah Accuses Werner, Bility Of Recruiting ‘Paid Witnesses To Lie On Massaquoi’ – U.S. Investigators

Sources closed to the just ended Gibril Massaquoi trial, where he was proven ‘Not Guilty, investigators in Washington DC through a statement disclosed that Zig Zag Marzah lied protected witness Gbril Massaquoi was nowhere in Liberia at the time Zig Zag mentioned adding that Werner and Bility have been recruiting more coached paid witnesses against protected Witness Massaquoi since the verdict in a Finnish court.
According to the investigators’ statement, Werner and Bility’s actions have severely tainted the justice process in Liberia and opened up old wounds rekindling the need for real justice and not “fake justice”.
The investigators further added that Joseph Zig Zag Marzah, a former rebel leader along with former ULIMO-K Operative/ ALCOP Youth Wing Co-Chairman Hassan Bility, who is now Director for the Global Justice Research Project Liberia, and Alain Werner are destabilizing forces against the full implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommendations and the establishment of a War Crimes and Economic Crimes Court for Liberia.
“By recruiting coached paid witnesses into making false statements to international war crime investigators and court trials against alleged Liberian war actors, how can these two institutions be the accusing bodies at the same time producing coached witnesses against the Defendants with millions of Europe & United States Dollars they are receiving?
For example, the statement indicated in the cases of United Nations Protected Witness Gbril Massaquoi, Agnes Reeves Taylor, Alieu Koshia, Martina Johnson, Varfley Dolleh, Alexander Zinnah, Moses Thomas, Belgian American Citizen Mitchel Desaedeleer, Moses Wright , Dolo Mark, Laye Sekou Camara, and the list goes on…, “How can Hassan Bility who was responsible for the recruitment of child soldiers into ULIMO as combatants during the Liberian Civil war to be specific Ansu Kromah, and others be in the center of Human Right Advocacy?”
“Is it all just for monetary gain?”
The investigators’ statement continued: “Today in the Liberian court Bility along with Alain Werner are being dragged to court for crafting lies against Mrs. Agnes Reeves Taylor about how she got arrested and placed in jail, because of those allegations which were all based on lies from Civitas Maxima and Global Justice Research Project Liberia.”
“He (Hassan Bility) should be criminally prosecuted as well for Conspiracy to commit a criminal offense in Liberia for most of the criminal activities in putting together a false case against Reeves that occurred in Liberia.”
Shamefully, the statement further noted that Bility is saying the British Metropolitan Police, War Crimes Section must be the ones to be taken to court not the Global Justice Research Project of Liberia & Civitas Maxima of Switzerland because the British authorities were the ones who arrested Agnes Reeves Taylor. However, the British Police were acting in good faith based on information provided by Bility & Werner, which has proven to be completely false, the statement said.
“The British needed to prosecute Bility and Werner for providing false statements as well as for Conspiracy to defraud the British Justice System.”
According to the statement, Bility and Werner are simply criminals engaged in a Global Organized Criminal Enterprise and are pathological liars, and they’re globe-trot from one country to another peddling their false cases seeking malicious prosecution in Western capitals incriminating people in crimes that they don’t have any evidence about.
The statement stressed that Bility and Werner should also be prosecuted in the United States for providing false statements as well as conspiracy to defraud. It is also reported that according to the investigators’ statement Bility and Werner received operational funding from the United States Government that supported their criminal enterprise.
Bility allegedly submitted false statements on his US Immigration Documents denying any affiliation with a Warring Faction, such as ULIMO-K and Recruiting Child Soldiers, which he did while serving as the ULIMO-K/ALCOP Youth Wing Co-Chairman and recruited Child Soldiers, such as Ansu Kromah, the statement indicated.
“Bility should be prosecuted for providing False Statements to the US Government for committing the same crimes he is hypocritically and falsely accusing others. Also, both he and Werner should be prosecuted for conspiracy to defraud the US Government.”
“The US Congress needs to hold hearings on their actions and the impact this has had on compromising the US Justice System as well as the expense to the US taxpayers as well as seeking justice and accountability for the criminal actions of Werner, Bility, and all others involved in this fraudulent human rights campaign.”
“This is the same Bility that recruited coached, paid witness Darius Tweh and placed him on a flight to Ghana to give a false statement to the British Metropolitan Police Department against Agnes Reeves Taylor.”
“Unfortunately, the statement disclosed Bility didn’t know that Tweh was planted on him and his organization for years. We are therefore working with the United States Congress to hold a hearing in order to address these situations of Bility and Werner.”
“They must be brought to justice for their fraudulent conspiracy activities in the Justice System,” the investigators’ statement concluded.
Source: SNL
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