World Bank Group Senior Vice President and General Counsel Arrives in Liberia

World Bank Group Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Sandie Okoro

World Bank Group Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Sandie Okoro, arrives in Liberia on Thursday, March 22, 2018 for a two-day visit.

Ms. Okoro’s mission will enable her to understand how World Bank financed programs and projects are working on the ground. The mission will also help her to learn how the Bank’s recently decentralized legal services are working and how they can better support the Government’s program funded by the Bank.

While in Liberia, Ms. Okoro will pay a courtesy call on Minister of Justice and Attorney General Frank Musa Dean, Jr. to discuss strategies the Bank and Government could employ and learn about the justice sector’s accomplishments and challenges. She will be accompanied by Chief Counsel for the World Bank Africa Region, Sheila Braka Musiime.

Prior to departing Liberia, Ms. Okoro will visit the newly rehabilitated and equipped Montserrado Industrial Fisheries Terminal Monitoring Center and interact with beneficiaries of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Project (WARFP-LIBERIA). The opportunities and contribution of the fisheries sector cannot be improved in the absence of the needed infrastructures. That is why the Bank has supported the Government of Liberia to achieve this important development milestone, which will contribute to jobs by increasing local fish landing and value-added activities.

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