Who’s Who In The Race For the Gbarpolu County Senatorial Seat

As the midterm senatorial election approaching, GNN-Liberia is overwhelmed and pleased to publicly release an investigative survey conducted on voters’ perspective in the upcoming senatorial aspirants of Gbarpolu County.

This research was conducted within the six administrative district of Gbarpolu counties, namely: Gbarma, Kongba, Bopolu, Belle, Bokomu, and Gounolala.

It reveals that the four prominent candidates are contesting for the   senatorial position in the county with focus on the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treat of each of the candidate.

Armah Zulu Jallah

The incumbent senator Armah Zulu Jallah who was formally described as a political heavy weight and former President Pro-Tempore of Liberian Senate is losing political popularity among the citizen.

In Gbarma and Kongba District, the citizen described him as selfish leader who did not have the interest in the development of their districts.  In Zuie town  the head quarter of Kongba district, Citizen where allegedly complaining about  undisclosed huge amount of money that was allocated  through the County development fund in 2016/2017 for the construction of  Kungbor to Zuie  road corridor, which  was diverted by him, however they alleged that  he perfected and cemented his deal by giving  the sum of LD500,000.00 to the Statutory Superintendent and the chiefs  to manually construct the same road , suffice is to say that  the chiefs handed over the money to Late Morris Bility  who was a manual contractor in the district  to construct the same road and the  said money remained with him until he demise, thereby jeopardized their development  immunity and this will have  a serious implication in his political credibility.

The Citizen of Wasau who voted him massively in the previous election said that they have lost confidence in him and they can no longer entrust him with their votes due to his gross failure to honor his political manifesto and campaign promises of connecting the road that link Wasua with Gimgbai.

The Citizen of the vote rich Bopolu city are also complaining of him neglecting and undermining the County development agenda for his failure to organize the County meeting which is a bases for setting up their development Agenda, even the citizen of his home town/ constituency Gungbeyah Chiefdom where also blaming him for not improving their livelihood and they are not really happy with him. The Muslim communities in Bopolu city where very skeptical about him for his role during the impeachment process of former Associate Justice Ja’neh.

In Belle district, the citizen where high displeased; simply because he turned his back on them, claiming that they cannot identify any developmental initiative. Bokomu and Gun-nolala citizen raised objections for his role in damaging the only bridge that connect the two districts, thereby caused a lot of mayhem to the people of the area.

However, looking at his financial strength coupled with his magnetic connection, and his popularity with traditional set up; he still remain one of the political figure to reckon with.


As for the sitting Representative District #1 Gbarpolu County, who has succeeded winning the election twice. He is also one of the major contenders in the senatorial race. It is assumed that he is going to contest under the umbrella of Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

Koiwood who chairs the committee on national defense and security of the lower house, was described as a voter’s trafficker, who always cleverly out-weights the major contenders.  According to the citizen of electoral districts #1 he registered thousands of voters in Fallah Village and thousands voters Underwear Town and other locations that he may likely use to support his senatorial ambition.  He was described as one of the forces that undermine the county developmental agenda and initiatives.

His stronghold was not happy with him due to his lackadaisical attitude towards the developmental ventures. He was highly underrated in term of performances. They also described him as someone who is not able to handle the welfare and upbringing of his children due to resent complains emanating from his son to the plenary. They hereby concluded that he cannot be trusted with the mantle of county leadership.

Our research showed that both District #2 and District #3 are highly skeptical for not making meaning changes in the life of the people he is presently representing. In conclusion, he may likely not be preferred by the electorate in the county this time around.


Sam happens to be a new face in Gbarpolu political arena. He was formerly the Project Management Committee (PMC) Chairman. He is electorally unpopular in the three electoral districts, Except Lorma, Gatimah, Konesu and Sassasu with approximately 560 registered voters. The citizen complains his poor inter- personal relations coupled with poor performances in his role as a PMC Chairman.  However, he is the most popular candidate among the Gbarpolu Citizen residing in United State of America.


She is the only female runner in this coming mid-term senatorial election in Gbarpolu County and popularly refers to as Female General.  We learned that she contested as a representative in District #3 Gbarpolu County in the 2017 General election, with an exceptional turnout, and lost controversially.

The controversies range from vote rigging, trucking voters and broad-based manipulation of the process in favor of the incumbent.

According to our research, she is very famous, eloquent and highly desirable. She was described as a woman of high integrity and credibility. Furthermore, in electoral district #3 the citizens /voters are already with mindset and in high gear to give her support with the exception of few voters   that are raising an issue of voting on tribal sentiment.

The issue of gender  politics is of  great interest to many voters in Gbapolu County, the  voter were complaining that men has mislead and marginalized them .The paradox of female support  slogan cannot be over emphasis throughout the county. Resonant her generosity by the citizens and the dwellers of the county is highly imaginable. In Belle district, the elders, women and the youths pledge her support and solidarity.

Names, such as: – Paul Kennedy, Allen Gbowee, Nathaniel Mcgill and  many others are gradually surfacing,  but we cannot really provide any meaningful political relevance and justification for their  intent during our research.

In conclusion, we have been able to work on this research for the past few months and one of the major  concern of Gbarpolu citizens is the resurfacing and  recycling of old and corrupt Politians whose major objective is to loot the county and leave the place vulnerable with many years already wasted. As citizens were always victim of such bad leadership style including the present leadership who has nothing tangible to show for so many wasted years of their leadership; they rather prefer to enrich themselves at the detriment of poor citizens of Gbarpolu County.

This investigation did not also include the newest individuals who are making their presence felt, detail follows in our subsequent posting

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