USAID Reaffirms Commitment To Strengthening Liberia’s Education System

(LINA) – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Education Director, Rasheena Harris Reid, has said that the organization remains committed to holistically strengthening Liberia’s education system.

According to Madam Reid, USAID education assistance to Liberia through training education officials and teachers will comprehensively amplify the education system.

“Trained teachers are in short supply and there is a dearth of adequate school facilities and basic supplies. Students and those funding their education continue to struggle to meet tuition and other basic costs in an economy that continues to breed depressed incomes,” Reid said.

She made the statement Wednesday when she addressed the More4Education partnership conference on education financing at a local hotel in Monrovia.

Reid indicated that it is the hope of USAID to support teachers’ professionalism by providing administrative processes that support the quality of teachers.

She, however, stressed the need for inclusive education and improved access to learning for children with disabilities as well as the need to ensure that education and learning services are delivered in an environment conducive for learning and safe to accommodate all students.

“From the early grades to the youth seeking workforce training and all the way through tertiary education; learners need increased opportunities matched with consistent quality academic instructions to realize their potential and become productive members of society,” Reid asserted.

She also pointed out that the turnaround of Liberia’s education system will require great political will and commitment from all branches of the government, indicating, “USAID will seek commitment through more performance-based development assistance and cooperation with other donors to incentivize the government to take action on education priorities.”

“In its endeavor in the education sector, USAID will look to reaffirm its partnership with the government of Liberia. Our strategy very closely aligns with the government of Liberia Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, specially pillar one. Empowering people with the wherewithal to take control of their lives by providing access to quality education, ensuring access to essential healthcare and increasing opportunities to attain a decent standard of living,” the USAID official added.

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