The Senate Majority Leader representing the Democratic Party, Chuck Schumer in Lviv, a western city of Ukraine, on 23 Feb., 2024. Credit: Chuck Schumer via X

US Senate Majority Leader Schumer arrives in Ukraine


The Senate Majority Leader representing the Democratic Party, Chuck Schumer, arrived in Ukraine on 23 February to hold talks with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy about the needed weapons, Chuck Schumer said on X.

On 13 February, the US Senate passed a bill at a late-night session to provide $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, with $60 billion earmarked for Kyiv.

The bill has to be approved by the US House of Representatives, where Republicans hold the majority. Many take guidance from former President Donald Trump, who has been critical of the bill.

President Joe Biden urged the House to ‘quickly pass the bill,’ which includes aid to Ukraine, among other things. He emphasized that “the cost of inaction rises with every passing day, especially in Ukraine, where there are already reports of Ukrainian forces running out of ammunition on the front lines even as Russian forces continue their advance.”

However, the House postponed until 28 February, after which the budget process will begin, and only from the first week of March at the earliest can the congressmen return to the issue of aid to Ukraine.

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