University of Liberia Professor Donates Book to Fourah Bay College in Freetown

In fostering of strong relationship, partnership and cooperation between Liberia College( College of Social Sciences and Humanities), University of Liberia and the Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, the Dean of Liberia College,  Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray on Wednesday, September 8 presented copy of his  recently published  instructive book to the  Fourah Bay College in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

The book titled: The Effect of Diplomacy, with the subtitle: Liberia, U.S., China’s Triangular Relations, was presented to the Deputy  Vice Chancellor, Prof. John Abdual Kargno and Rev. Oliver Harding, Senior Librarian of the University of Sierra Leone.

A brief ceremony of the  book presentation  coincided with a courtesy call on the academic deans and faculty of the University of Sierra Leone by the high-powered delegation  from University of Liberia.

The Wednesday’s visit on the main campus of  Fourah Bay College in Freetown was a testament of the long standing relationship between the two sisterly universities.

The delegation upon arrival at the Fourah Bay College was received by the faculty, and held discussion with the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Dean of College of  Education, Prof. Kargbo; Senior Librarian, Rev. Haeding; Dr. Dante Allie Banda, Dean of College of Social Sciences and Law; Prof. J.A. L. Kamara, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Fourab Bay College and Dr. Bola Carew, Dean of Pure and Applied Sciences, Fourah Bay College.

Others include the dean of the College of Arts, dean of the College of Engineering and the heads of the departments of Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.

The deans, in separate marks, expressed their gratitudes and appreciation to the delegation  for the visitation,  expressing their commitment for the full implementation of Memorandum of Understanding  signed Tuesday by the President of University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Julius S. Nelson and Prof. Dr. Brigadier General Fodah Sahr at the State House in Freetown.

The historic signing ceremony was presided by the President of Sierra Leone, His Exxellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio.

During the visit at Fourah Bay College, several areas of mutual interest regarding faculty exchange and capacity developemnt, scholarships for students, research and publication of a joint Peer-reviewed journal and  quality higher education were discussed.

During the courtesy call,  the Departments of English Studies, History and Mathematics at UL were highlighted. ” We are prepared to implement the  MOU and support the Department of English and Mathematics, we have enough qualified faculty ready to help’, Prof. Kargbo noted.

Dr. Gray’s book is widely on sale around the world  in bookstores and online including Amazon, Fnac, ebay, authorhouse,, noble’s online bookstore, Biblio, book topiaonline bookstore, vitalsource, and dymocks.

Others international booksellers include eCampus-a web-based learning system and electronic community center for students and faculty, Danish pushing entity, vitalsource, ravenbookstor, David bookstore, waterstorw and blackwells, among others

The book has been peer reviewed and uniquely passed quality test, and now stands as a “milestone”, and “result-oriented”, based on proven scholarly writings and a profound studied.

The book characterizes the existing relationships among Liberia, China and the United States of America as “triangular” and offers a profound analysis of the trends and their implications of the three countries is published by Amazon punlishing company, and on sale in 160 countries around the world.

The book details include 680 pages with ISBN-10: 1665522550, ISBN-13: 978-1665522557 and weight: 2.36 pounds with the dimensions of 5.98 x 1.44 x 9.02 inches.

The back cover of the book contains the Flag of Liberia which demonstrates the author patriotism and love for country.

The publication contains 580- page, 3,123 paragraphs, 202, 916 words and 2, 470, 268 characters both single and double spacing while it contains 9,750 punctuation marks,  855 in-text citations    and 590 references.

Chapter One is the general introduction and presents the background of the study, problem statement, research focus, objectives, justification, and significance of the entire research.

Chapter Two traces the history and examines Liberia, U.S. and China engagement and presence in Africa and the impacts of foreign aid in Africa; and chapter three, provides the methods employed during the study, including research strategy and design, data collection, and data analysis; sampling method, structure review and limitations of the study.

Chapter Four provides a vivid picture of Liberia, U.S. and China’s triangular relations.

Chapter Five evaluates the successes and challenges of Liberian foreign relations, covering the last seven decades from one regime and to the other, from the presidency or ex-president Joseph Jenkins Roberts to present.

Chapter Six provides insights of America and China’s foreign aid to Africa and also analyzed U.S. foreign aid assistance to African governments and states, and compare that to China’s foreign aid assistance to African government.

Chapter Seven of the study emphases on the curse of rampant corruption and the scourge of bad governance by African leaders and governments and the role of corrupt African leaders, political bureaucracies, foreign capitalists and authoritarian officials. The book also presents the profile of the author, highlighting all the schools, from kindergarten  to doctorate levels that he has attended. The publication   acknowledges several individuals for their supports and contributions.

Chapter Eight assess the role of contemporary Liberian media and its impact on democratic governance and national development. The work discussed in detailed the western media perception about Africa and how the global media have been able to dump negative news materials and information.

Chapter Nine assesses Liberian political system and democratic governance in the context of democracy.

Meanwhile,  on (September 7) history was made in Freetown  as the two oldest Universities in West Africa, University of Liberia (formally Liberia College established in 1862 and University of Sierra Leone( formally Fourah Bay College established in 1826)  signed a   historic Memorandum of Understanding at the State House in Freetown.

Prof. Dr. Julius S. Nelson, President of University of Liberia and Prof. Dr. Brigadier General Fodah Sahr, Vice Chancellor  of University of Sierra Leone signed on behalf of their respective universities.

The historic occasion was presided by the President of Sierra Leone, H E.  Julius Maada Bio who also serves as Chancellor of University of Sierra Leone. President Bio is also an alumnus of UL.

The MoU which  leads to collaboration and partnership between the two  sisterly universities, will be helpful in several aspects including the  establishment of  mutual interest in the promotion thr followings:

  1. Provision of Scholarships at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels;
  2. Faculty capacity development and exchange;
  3. Students exchange;
  4. Career Development;
  5. Staff capacity development;
  6. Establishment of a joint Peer-reviewed journal;
  7. Promotion of academic excellence;
  8. Training of faculty and staff;
  9. Promotion of collaborative reseach;
  10. Joint resource mobilization;
  11. Publication of joint academic journal;
  12. Promotion of Cultural integration in both countries;
  13. Promotion of a joint reseach projects;
  14. Curricula review

The University of Sierra Leone confers Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degrees in several specialized disciplines.

The University of Liberia  grants  barchelor’s degree and master’s degree in several disciplines. Our faculty will benefit greatly

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