UN Security Council plans resolution against Russia after aggression on Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine war news: The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is planning a resolution against Russia as its military attacked Ukraine after Vladimir Putin declared war on Thursday.

The United Nations Security Council on Friday is likely to bring a resolution announcing more sanctions and strict action against Russia after the attack on Ukraine by the Soviet federation.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, after speaking to the Ukrainian head of the government, announced support for the people of Ukraine.

Issuing a statement, US President Biden said, “The United States and our allies will be imposing severe sanctions on Russia. We will continue to provide support and assistance to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. I will be meeting with the leaders of the G7 and the United States and our allies and partners will be imposing severe restrictions on Russia.”

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy reached out to the US president after Russia’s attack.

The US President condemned the attack by Russian military forces.

Russian troops targeted Ukraine’s airbase in Kharkiv in the early morning on Thursday.

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