ULAA Endorsed Corruption In Liberia – Writer’s Opinion

Jefferson G. Togba

The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas has welcomed and given corruption full endorsement. Since its inception more than 47 years ago.

The organization has joined many pressures groups to advocate for Liberians at home and abroad to ensure continue support for multiparty system in Liberia, Temporary Protection Stay ,Deferred Enforcement Deportation ,the call for dual citizenship, accountability and transparency.

But most recently the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness (LRIF Act, 2020) approved by former US President Donald J Trump.

“Equitable access to resources ” ULAA.  The one hundred thousands United States dollars received by ULAA during its induction ceremony held in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania does not show efforts to advocacy and Equitability to resources as voiced on community engagement.

It’s clearly known by citizens of Liberia both at home and in the diaspora of corruption in Liberia.

How dare ULAA an advocacy organization accepts funding from government at this critical and difficult time in the lives of  Liberians. ULAA is off its baseline. Why?  ULAA was founded to fight for the Liberian people; NOT a government who does not care about astronomical prices and economic hardship.

Minister Samuel Tweah took 25 million united states dollars with no accountability and transparency in the name economic mops up.

Have ULAA not heard no functioning health facilities, schools are disrupted because no money and inadequate support from  government.  When then commerce minister Wilson Tarpleh now Executive Director Environmental Protection Agency told investigators that the 25 million mop-up exercise was a presidential mandate.

Report concerning the much publicized 25 million remains a misery to solve and who to blame.  Until now the so called report did not hold any government official accountable.

However, justice Minister Frank Mussh Dean quickly defended Minister Tweh and former CBL executive Governor Nathaniel R Patray of no wrong. The mop up allegedly identified 15 foreign exchange bureau to have received the money but bureau denied their participation. Mr.Kamara has befriend the two most corrupt officials of government.

Civil servants have not been pay for several months. No funding for Electricity availability and stability. Is ULAA an advocate or seeker from corrupt regime?

Does ULAA understand the plight of the Liberian people or interests of its executives?

For instance, In the early early 1990s through 2006, there was no voice for the voiceless in Liberia without mentioning Atty Samuel Kofi Woods ,the founder of Catholic Justice and peace Commission (JPC) ,the Foundation for International Dignity (FIND),the Foundation of International Liberty(FIL).

These are Hunan Rights advocacy organizations. But the day atty Woods compromised his authentic voice  to become Labor and Public minister in 2006 and 2009. These organizations standards and values dropped. Since then FIND is voiceless like many Liberians. So is Atty, Woods.

Human rights documentaries and publications were see through the lenses of atty Woods.  Atty Woods stood tall and firmed in the midst of wolves and lions but fell prey to the sheep.

The damaged done by atty Woods to accept ministerial posts kills the viability of JPC and FIND. Subsequently making his successor Cllr. J Augustine Toe vulnerable to also, accepted to be commissioner at the Liberia Anti Corruption Commission (LACC).

Like atty Woods, Mr Dan sayeh Rights advocate and former head of Liberia Democracy Institute (LDI) joined politics- the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) as founding Chairman of then former Central Bank of Liberia Executive Governor Dr.Joseph Mills Jones.

Mr. SAYEH  too was offered job in this CDC government as Deputy Managing Director at the  Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation(LWSC).  He short lived the position due to differences at management level. However, human rights advocates are loosing the battles.

These inconsistencies by lead Human Rights advocates continue to create a country of  grab ,go and be silent.  But talk later when outside. The true missions of most Rights  organizations have been burned and buried in their executives interest.

Today,  the Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy (FHRD) headed by Cllr Aloysius Toe is struggling to gain the Liberians people confidence. The trust has widened. Whereas who to defend has also become issue of fears.

Back  then the JPC was most trusted voice rehgardless of back ground,religion, political affiliations.

ULAA quest to accept the government of Liberia monetary donation/contribution is wrong.

ULAA operates in the land with the greatest economy filled with all hopes accompanied by glorious opportunities, humanitarians capacity,philanthropists ready to sponsor good causes.  And ULAA desires to advocate for betterment in Liberia is a worthy cause.

Why not seek other sources void of political interest? Remember you can’t bite the hand that feels you. ULAA will definitely becomes suggestive to bad governance, the rule of law, corruption and other ills intentionally done by the government in power.

How can ULAA be a player then referee /arbitrator on the same team? We join the many Liberians you claimed to stand for to reject and condemn the acceptance of one hundred thousands United States dollars from a corrupt government.  Does ULAA still believe in the future for all?

Additionally,  this corrupt government of President Weah has  deeper strategies to silence ULAA and becomes a toothless bulldog. How can a 47 plus years organization be bought so cheaply? ULAA have out lived many brutal regimes but what causes Mr.Kamara to bent his knees?

The Weah led CDC  government contribution to ULAA isn’t in good faith because the organization will be receiving budgetary financial support if the party wins general and Presidency elections in 2023.

Widespread pro-democracy protests have engulfed Liberia over claims that the current regime is corrupt then ULAA accepts bribe to MUTE itself.

Why not the National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL), National Association of the Liberia School Principals (NALSP), The Liberian Nurses Association (LNA) ,the Federation of Liberians Youth (FLY) ,Liberia National Student Union ((LINSU) etc.

These are struggling associations but yet making endless contributions daily on the ground. They need support because they are fostering government human development goals. Healthy peoples leaves to greater labor force, whereas education brings about division of labor and specializations. ULAA is endorsing broad day light corruption. This acceptance points to ULAA’s broader participation in corruption than its fight against financial misappropriation. ULAA supposed to advocate/campaigner for better Liberia. ULAA must create chance to make a difference for Liberians at home.

ULAA supposed to monitor government policies and actions and hold government accountable. How then can your advocacy  offers alternative policies for government, the private sector, and other institutions?

ULAA should be providing analysis and expertise on how the government of Liberia must serve and govern well.  Help Government monitor and implement international agreements, like Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Human rights abuses,  access to justice and judicial independence. Is this how ULAA supports public causes?

Liberians are still concerned about the death those four auditors, journalists, CBL senior staff.  The Kamara Presidency is proceeding wrongly on day one.

Think churches, labor unions, community groups, professional associations, and so on. Policymakers commonly portray civil society as a redeeming force, able to right the wrongs of unjust political leaders and practices.

Mr.Kamara, what are you thinking?

There are no libraries.  Even the university of Liberia does not have an up to date library if any. No community centers for kids.

In summary, accepting gifts and donations/contributions from government of such consums right defenders and civil society organizations in many parts of the world. ULAA is an example weakness.

For decades donation of such, advocates and practioners inside and outside government increasingly view this phenomenon to limiting advocacy.

Civil society like ULAA must generate change  fundamental to our political system and governance structure and functionalities.

In addition, to benefit from a known corrupt government wound ,if not has already tinted ULAA moral characters and independent credibility and questioning the vices government performs and operates by.

ULAA supposed to reenforces efforts and views demonstrated and protested bybgrass-roots organizations to help the public uncover fears ,biases, the killing journalists and auditors and Many other citizens killed ritualistically and allegedly involving government.  And support human rights and human rights activists in correcting government.

This Weah CDC led government has created potential paradigms shift that would be controversial to advancing critical Sterms to  protecting citizens and human rights promoters.

From the margins to mainstream ,ULAA have sold out herself to the CDC-WEAH government.

ULAA has closed up its authentic space to critically engage government on factors that require systematic inquiry.

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