U.S. National Copyright Office in Washington D.C. Certificate Two UL Professors for Quality Books

L/R: Dr. Josephus M. Gray and Prof. Richmond Anderson

The United States National Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. has recognized and officially certificate Two Professors of the University of Liberia, Assistant Professor Richmond S. Anderson, Chairman of the Department of Political Science and Associate Professor Dr. Josephus M. Gray, Dean of the Professor Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities and faculty of the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Graduate School of International Studies.

The Certificate of Registration has been officially signed by Registrar and Director of the Library of Congress, Madam Shira Perlmutter in recognitions of Professor Richmond Anderson and Dr. Josephus Gray’s unique and quality publications which have uniquely passed the U.S. National Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. The publications have been checked and peer-reviewed.

The two quality books which have gained international recognitions include the book entitled: “Perspective on Analytical Feature and Editorial Writing” authored by Professor Anderson and published by Author House, and the book titled: “The Effect of Diplomacy: Liberia-U.S.-China’s Triangular Relations”, authored by Dr. Gray and published by the U.S, Tech-giant Amazon. The books are on sale in 160 countries around the world and also being translated from English to four other languages including German, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese. The latest books are available online and in international books stores.

The U.S. National Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. has assigned a special registered number, international Standard Number and the two authors’ tracking numbers to Prof. Anderson and Dr. Gray’s new books. While copies of the books have been placed in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. for future references.

The Certificates read: This Certificate is issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attest that the registration has been made for identification as indicated on the certificate issued by the US Copyright National Office, adding that the information on this certificate has been made part of the Copyright Office records.

Meanwhile, Prof. Anderson and Dr. Gray have expressed delight over the high international recognition their newly published books have received. They praised the United States National Copyright Office in Washington for the recognition of their research works and promised to undertake similar academic work to share new knowledge. The two Professors also lauded the President of the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Julius Juluku Sarwolo Nelson for encouraging faculty of the university to engage into publication of their peer-reviewed works.

Meanwhile, the new book has earned praises from several distinguished personalities including Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris; Africa’s First elected Female President and former President of Liberia, Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf; United States Ambassador to Liberia, His Excellency, Mr. Michael A. McCarthy, Secretary-General of Mano River Union (MRU), Mrs. Medina Wesseh; Honorable James Berney, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Senator of Maryland County, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John Abdual Kargno, and Rev. Oliver Harding, Senior Librarian of Faurah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone.

Other personalities who lauded the publication include Prof. Dr. Souha Akiki, President of Paris Graduate School, and Mr. Mouloud Beghdad, Relations officer of CEDS Graduate School in Paris, Republic of France.

Each copy of the book has been donated to some high-profile personalities including the Office of the President of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George M. Weah; Hon. Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice President of Liberia; Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, former President of Liberia; Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General; Hon. Bhofal chambers, Speaker, Natonal Legislature of Liberia; His Excellency, Mr. Michael A. McCarthy, United States Ambassador to Liberia, Mrs. Medina Wesseh, Secretary-General of Mano River Union (MRU), His Excellency Mr. Ren Yisheng, Chinese Ambassador to Liberia; His Excellency Mr. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemaya, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honorable James Biney, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Senator of Maryland County and Hon. Legherhood Julius Renner, Minister of Information and Culture Affairs.

Other personalities and institutions are Prof., Dr. Julius J. S. Nelson, Jr., President of the University of Liberia; Prof. Dr. Souha Akiki, President of Paris Graduate School and Mr. Mouloud Beghdad, Relations officer of CEDS Graduate School in Paris; Bibliotheque Nationale de France; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John Abdual Kargno and Rev. Oliver Harding, Senior Librarian of Faurah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone; Cllr. Blama, Vice President for Legal Affairs, University of Liberia; Prof. Stephen Jubwe, Dean of Faculty and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Liberia; Mr. Charles Coffey, President of Press Union of Liberia and Mr. Philip N. Wesseh, Managing Editor of the Inquirer Newspaper in Monrovia.

About Prof. Richmond Anderson: Born in South – Eaten Liberia, Assistant Professor Richmond Anderson is a 1979 graduate of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Margibi County, Liberia. He is a 1993 graduate of the University of Liberia in Montserrado County – He holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA Cum Laude) degree in Mass Communication. In the year 2003, he obtained his Master of Arts (MA) degree in International Relations from the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Graduate School of International Studies, University of Liberia. He also obtained his second Masters (MSED) degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from the graduate school of Education, University of Liberia in 2019 with distinction.

Assistant Professor Anderson further achieved a certificate from the Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA via the then Family Planning Association of Liberia (FPAL) in the area of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) in 1988. With regard to work experience, he is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Department of Political Science at the University of Liberia, an adjunct professor of Mass Communication, he also worked as a print journalist in the capacity of News Editor and Editor-In-Chief at the Liberia News Agency (LINA) and other local dailies from the late 1980s to mid- 1990s.

For a little over a decade, he served as Director of University Relations at the University of Liberia, while at the same time serving as recording secretary on the Board of Trustees at the same university. Additionally, he served as the first Representative for District number 12, Montserrado County in the 53rd National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia from 2012 – 2018; also served two times as Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) in Liberia and Director for Media and Outreach at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Liberia from 2007 – 2009.

Being interested in education, the author is a co-founder and the first president now Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Smythe Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) now metamorphized to Smythe University College. Interestingly, the author is an honorably retired Second Lieutenant from the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL). He is a devoted Christian and a founding secretary of the Grace Community Church International, Liberia.

About Dr. Josephus M. Gray: Associate Professor Josephus M. Gray is a native-born Liberian and illustrious son of the Southeastern village of Kayken, Barclayville Chiefdom, Grand Kru County. Presently, he is the Dean of the Professor Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia, with the academic rank of an Associate Professor of International Relations. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Mass Communication (Print Journalism) in 2002 from Professor Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities (formerly Liberia College), University of Liberia. His Undergraduate’s Thesis: “The Impact of Print Media on Democracy in Liberia”, was supervised Prof. Joe W. Mulbah (Former Chairman, formerly Department of Mass Communication). Dr. Gray earned his Master of Arts (MA) degree in International Relations in 2009 the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) Graduate School of International Studies, University of Liberia. The focus of his master’s Thesis was: “The Consequences of the Liberian Civil War”, while the period of the study was 1990-2002. The thesis was supervised by Dr. Sarr Abdulai Vandi, former Director, IBB Graduate School of International Studies. University of Liberia. 

Dr. Gray earned Ph.D. (High distinction) in International Relations and Diplomacy in 2019 from HELP-CEDSGraduate School of France after seven years of hard studies. Thisdynamic and fantastic higher institution of learning in one of Europe’s sophisticated and technical praiseworthy nations of France is located at 10 rue Sextius, Michel, 75015, Paris. The institution established in 1984 has existed for three and half decades since 1984, while HELP the parent institution of CEDs was established in 1899 in Paris, France. The official registration number his Ph.D. degree is: 7021, while the institution’ Legal Authorization Numberis: 0755314U. Dr. Gray’s doctorate dissertation: “The Effect of Diplomacy”, was supervised by Prof. Dr. Faund Nohra, Associate Professor at Paris Dscartes University in France, while members of the academic jury of five French astute academics include: Dr. Prof. Souha AKIKI (French), President of Paris Graduate School/ Innovative Knowledge Institute, and Professor at CEDS; Dr. Prof. Michael STRAUSS (German), Professor of international law and international relations at the CEDS; Dr. Prof. Michael LEBEDEV (Russian Federation), Senior Diploma at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris and Professor at CEDS and Dr. Prof. Fouad NOHRA (French) associate professor at Paris Descartes university, Academic Director of CEDS, (Chair of the dissertation committee).

Also, he served in both public and private sectors including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he worked as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Political Counsellor, Embassy of Liberia in Paris, France; Minister Counselor and Charge d’ Affaires, Liberia Permanent Mission to the Swiss Confederation and the United Nations in Genera, Switzerland, and Assistant Foreign Minister for Public Affairs, and a senior research fellow at the International Institute of Research for Strategic Studies. Also, he holds post-graduate diplomas and certificates in Foreign Policy Studies, International Relations, Diplomacy, Journalism, Development Communication, Research Methodology, and Policy Studies from Paris, France; Genera, Switzerland; Beijing, China; Washington, D.C., USA; Cape Town, South Africa; Rabat, Morocco; Accra, Ghana; Dakar, Senegal and Monrovia, Liberia.

Others include 2006:  Sabbatical, Savannah Morning News, Savannah, Georgia, USA; 2021-present: C0-Chair, Board of Trustees, Grand Kru Technical College, Grand Kru County; 2020—2021; International Fellow, International Journalists Exchange (ICFJ), Washington, DC, USA,  2006;  Diploma in Modern Diplomacy, Chinese Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, China, 2008; Diplomat of the Year 2011, Global New Media Network; Savannah Morning News, Savannah, Georgia, USA, 2006; Foreign News Editor, The INQUIRER Newspaper,  Monrovia, 2003; Washington, International Journalists Exchange, DC, USA, 2006; Editorial Consultant, News Visions, Liberia, 2006—2015; World Newspaper Editors Forum. Cape Town, South Africa, 2007; American Newspaper Editors, U.S. A, 2006.

Dr. Gray also holds membership in international professional associations including International Confucian Institute, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco; International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Sciences(IJROSS), International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health, Academia.edu located on 580 California St, Suite 400, San Francisco, USA; Africa-China Think Tanks Forum, Beijing, People’s Republic of China. Director of Communications and Media Relations, Liberia Coalition Project, Florida, USA; former Chairman: Constitution Committee, Reporters Association of Liberian Journalists and Managing Editor – News Visions Newspaper.

He also taught research methodology and thesis writing courses including Comm 403 and English 431 at the undergraduate level, while at the master’s studies level taught POSC 613 (Seminar in Decision Making in International Politics);  POSC 512 (Government and Politics of Contemporary Africa), POSC 601(International Organizations and Administration) and POSC 507 (Survey of Comparative Politics). Prof.  Gray has wildly written and published over 300 research articles on contemporary issues and authored three books. He has supervised about 65 master’s theses and two doctorate dissertations over the past four academic years. Dr. Gray’s peer-reviewed publications are often cited by graduates and doctorate graduates in their theses and dissertations. Similarly, his works are also referred and cited on the official homepage of some diplomatic missions and international research institutions.

In 1899 a farsighted illustrious French woman, Jeanne Weill, better known under the pseudonym of Dick May, created a tertiary institution-Écoles des Hautes Etudes Internationales et Politiques (HELP) which she set up on rue de la Sorbonne in Paris, France, while in 1986 Prof. Dr. Pascal Chaigneau established CEDS postgraduate school as a pioneering postgraduate school in the field of international relations and political science, as a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) which has a membership of 227 higher educational institutions.Several renowned academics taught at this institution and have immensely contributed to global knowledge.

They include: Paul Deschanel, President of the French Republic in 1920, professor at HEIP from 1908 to 1918; Émile Durkheim, Founding member of modern French Sociology, Founding member of the League of Human Rights, professor of “Sociology” at HEIP from 1903 to 1909; Aristide Briand, President of the Council of Ministers 1909 – 1929, Nobel Peace Prize in 1926, professor of “Social Questions” at HEIP from 1901 to 1902; Paul Vidal De La Blache, Founding member of modern Geography, professor of “Geography at HEIP from 1901 to 1917; André Siegfried, Founding member of Electoral Sociology, professor of at HEIP from 1902 to 1905; Bertrand Russell, British Philosopher, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950, professor at HEIP from 1910 to 1911; Romain Rolland, Writer, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915, professor of “Literature and literary and Musical Criticism”, professor at HEIP from 1902 to 1911; Arthur Fontaine, Drafter of the Treaty of Versailles (1919), First President of the International Labor Organization from 1919 to 1931, professor of “Right to strike” at HEIP from 1900 to 1915; Leon Duguit, French jurist, Founder of the School of Public Service, professor of “Questions of general law” at HEIP from 1907 to 1911; Leon Bourgeois, President of the Senate from 1920 to 1923, Nobel Peace Prize 1920, professor of “Democratic Doctrines” at HEIP from 1901 to 1911; and Victor Basch, Co-founder of the Human Rights League, professor of “Political and Artistic Theories” at HEIP from 1903 to 1921

While few alumni of the CEDS including: Her Excellency Dr. María Ángela Holguín, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Representative to the UN, Assistant Secretary-General of UN, and Former Interim President of Colombia; Her Excellency Dr. Naela Chohan, High Commission for Pakistan to Australia, Ambassador of Pakistan to Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and Uruguay; Dr. Sidi Tiémoko Touré, Ivorian Minister of Fisheries and Animal Resources; Dr. Dr. Idriss Aberkane, French Consultant and Lecturer; Her Excellency Dr. Gabriela Dancãu, Romanian Ambassador to Spain, ItalyMalta, and San Marino; Prof. Dr. Mickael Strauss, Advisor to the UN Special Rapporteur;  BGen. Dr. Robert Mansour, Director of Signals at Lebanese Armed Forces; Her Excellency Dr. Maryse Saint-Pierre Cyprien, a Haitian national and career diplomat, Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Delegation of Haiti to UNESCO in Paris; Prof. Dr. Paul F.J. ArañaAn American international relations scholar and Instructor of University of HAWAII, USA and Dr. Adebayo E. Adeyemi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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