Trouble Creeps: As Disbanded ‘Army Generals’ Issue Threats Against Central Bank If their Salaries, Benefits Not Paid

Lt. Col. Wolo Nagbe, Spokesperson, Disbanded AFL

Dozens of disbanded generals of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) have publicly begin to issue serious threats against executives of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), noting that if their benefits are not paid they will  group themselves to make the city of Monrovia ungovernable.

Addressing reporters yesterday, October 1, 2019, the spokesman of the former soldiers of the AFL said they have been told that their benefits including salaries have been deposited at the CBL, and that the bank management team is yet to address their plight, a situation they noted if not handle appropriately they will be compelled to march on the bank for redress.

“We are calling on the CBL to see reason in paying our benefits including salaries which we understand is being deposited at that bank, we have been told that the CBL is in control this fund, and has deliberately refused to pay us. In few weeks’ time if our money is not given, we will make that place ungovernable,” the spokesman of the disbanded generals and soldiers speaking on a local radio station warned.

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