The Success Story Of The National Road Fund, Amid Numerous Challenges – A Profile
By Joel Cholo Brooks
In its quest to independently divulge to the public some of the institutions that are extremely doing well coupled with the Act of the National Legislature which created such institution, the GNN-Liberia has taken up time to adequately inform the public of the nationalistic role of such institution.
GNN Liberia has however gathered that the success of this Liberian initiative, the National Road Fund, has been made possible through the supporting arms of the Liberian Chief Executive, President George M. Weah backed with the involvement of the international donor community.
Such institution which has attracted the interest of this writer due to the level of its professional services by a team of professionals head by one of Liberia’s most effective administrators ,Boniface D. Satu, Chief Executive Officer has gained its reputation in doing the Liberian people job through the National Road Fun (NRF); its committed services towards improving the country’s deplorable road network has anxiously called this writer’s attention to publicly give rise for this publication.
Also gathered by this outlet, is members of the Inter-Ministerial Steering committee including the Ministers of Public Works, Finance and Development Planning, transport, Internal Affairs and Commerce did all they could for the success of the NRF.
The team at this important institution, the National Road Fund Liberia (NRF) headed by Mr. Boniface D. Satu, Chief Executive Officer is extremely doing well in the growth of this institution; established by an Act of the National Legislature in 2016 with the purpose of financing road and bridge maintenance works around the country.
The Management team at NRF, according to information gathered, has over the years demonstrated a high level of professionalism and independence in the discharge of its responsibility as required by the Act that created it without hindrance, as a result of this, donors including the African Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WB), GIZ and including the host country, Liberia building explicit confidence in the entire leadership of NRF.
According to GNN statics, due to the committed and nationalistic services of the team at this institution, the National Road Fund (NRF) has generated over USD95, 104,006.49 via Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) fuel levies collections and transferred same to the consolidated accounts as March 31, 2022, what a great news for Liberia road users. In 2018/2019 the NRF raised USD25, 947,820.00, while n 2019/2020 the amount of USD27, 071,052.00.
Implementation/ Payments done directly by the National Road Fund (NRF) as of June 17, 2022 included:
47 Kilometer Sehyikimpa to Loguiatuo Road Corridor in Nimba County USD1,035,969,93 paid, 45 Kilometer ELWA Junction to RIA in Montserrado, Margibi Counties USD988,764,50 paid, and 20 Kilometer Fish town to Kelipo in River Gee County USD214,194,43 paid, and 31 Kilometer Ganta to Saclepea USD 3,000,00.00 paid.
According to the National Road Fund of Liberia Fiscal Year 2020/21 Comprehensive Annual report in the possession of GNN-Liberia during the year under review, the largest portion of this total was expended on capital expenses (General Works, Loan Repayment and withheld taxes from last fiscal year), according to the NRF document in the possession of this outlet.
The total revenue raised by the NRF, from which the above expenditure was made is USD29,585,968.26, the largest revenue for the reporting period was fuel levy. About US$24,107,746.18 was generated from fuel levy, according to NRF documents in the possession of this outlet.
The NRF total opening bank balances at the start of this fiscal year was USD5, 540.088.00 and the total closing bank balances for the period under review was USD3,675,876.26. according to the report, during the period under review, of road rehabilitation projects, 1,090.7km of road maintenance projects, 276.5km of emergency road repairs works, 4 bridge maintenance projects, several other support activities were funded by the NRF.
According to the report, most of these works were brought forward from the previous fiscal year, and will run into the next fiscal year, as only a few were completed. The report further indicated that most of the completed works were emergency. The NRF had a total contract portfolio of 92 contracts at th end of the end of the period under review, of this number, the NRF document noted that 42 new contracts were forwarded to the NRF, and 50 were contracts that were brought forward from the previous fiscal year.
Of the NRF total contracts portfolio (92 contracts), 19 were completed during the report period, while the balance 73 were rolled over into the next fiscal year, noting that most of these works were funded by the National Road Fund (NRF).
According to the NRF document, the fiscal year 2020/21, Annual Road Maintenance Expenditure Program (ARMEP) was completed by the TWG-IMSC and subsequently reviewed and approved by the IMSC in July of 2021. The document further states, the ARMEP was later recast to reflect allotments and activities in the 2020/21 fiscal year National Budget. The ARMEP recast activities lasted were completed in January to February of 2021.
The total Budgeted expenditure in the ARMEP amounted to USD37,950.088.00.; the highest budgeted revenue line was General Road Works, which according to the report had a total of USD16,880,836.68 (Representing 44.48%). The second largest SECRAMP, with the total of USD10,000,000.00 (Representing 26.35%). The two least budgeted expenditure lines were Ministry of Public Works (MPW) Allotment, with an amount of USD569,251.32 (Representing 1.50%).
The total actual expenditure in the ARMEP amounted to USD28,362,773,56. About 54.04% of this amount which was amounted to USD15,319,196.79 was expended under General Works. The second highest expended line was SECRAMP, with a total of USD8,666,064.70 (Representing 30.18% of the total expended). According to the NRF document, the general performance of the ARMEP expenditure section was 74.74%.
Contracts Financed By NRF (2018 – May 31, 2022
In order to capture the level of works being done by the National Road Find (NRF), several projects were financed and done expeditiously by companies who applied for such:
2.1 Kilometer Cleaning in Monrovia and ts environs done by Amazing Group of Companies, construction of 0.3 Kilometers road –Joe Bar Market in Montserrado County done by Quality Group of Construction and Companies, Emergency Maintenance of 42 Kilometers of gravel pavement on the Barziwien – Vionjama Riad Corridor in Lofa County done by SSF Entrepreneur Incorporated, 18.57 Kilometers Emergency Drainage Cleaning and Maintenance in Monrovia and its environs done by Global Tech International.
Below are some of the successful works done and paid for by NRF
The brain charge behind the success story of the National Road Fund of Liberia is those hardworking and the most workaholic Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Boniface D. Satu – MBA/MSC/B.Sc/BSA/BBA/AA, and his professional staff.
Who Is Boniface D. Satu – The Brain Charge Of NRF
Manager & Chief Executive Officer -National Road Fund of Liberia
* Institutional Governance: Established the Institutional Framework of National Road Fund based on the Act of 2016 that will provide financing for maintenance of road and bridges across Liberia and well as supporting the technical and operationalization of the Fund.
* Management oversights- work with the government institutions-including MFDP, LRA, Public Works, Ministry of Transport as well as International financial institutions and regional organizations to adequate support for the administration and implementation of fund.
* Leadership-undertake the role of Secretary to the Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee (IMSC),
- a) Ensure the full implementation of the National Road Fund Act and provide the requisite leadership, administration, management and planning and budgeting the executing Annual Road Maintenance programs;
- b) The National Road Fund Manager may in consultation with the IMSC and subject to the approval of the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, appoint such person or persons as staff as he or she deems fit for the proper discharge of the functions of the Fund and its Office.
- c) Advise the IMSC on the introduction of user charges, recommend an equitable and transparent charging methodology and propose a formula for the adjustment of charges; d) Advise the IMSC on the need for new charging instruments and the optimal level of fuel levies;
- e) The National Road Fund Manager may in writing delegate any power (referred to in subsections 2 and 3 above) to an employee of the Office, but is not thereby relieved of a duty or responsibility assigned to him or her in terms of this Act.
* Fiduciary Responsibilities-supervise budgetary, financial, expenditures, operational expenses of the National Road Fund by:
- a) Keeping accounting records to represent the state of affairs in respect of each account held for the Fund.
- b) Monitoring the flow of funds to and from the Fund to ensure adequate liquidity to support road operations;
- c) Preparing the annual financial statements of the Fund for approval of the Minister and submission to the IMSC
- d) Disburse funds to entities as mandated by the IMSC
- e) Review the utilization of funds by any roads authority to verify that funds have been utilized for their stated purpose;
- f) Prepare the financial plan and updates thereof as will be set out in the performance agreement
- g) Liaise with the executing entities carrying out works proposed for, or included in, the Annual Road Maintenance Expenditure Program. regarding any matter affecting the entities;
- h) Report regularly to the of Finance and Development Planning on the management of funds in compliance with the Public Finance Act 2009 and advise the IMSC, upon request, with regard to any matter related to the management and administration of the Fund. i) The National Road Fund Manager has the power to: i. Open a bank account with a registered financial institution in the name of the Fund and deposit or withdraw monies from such account subject to regulations approved by the Minister of Finance and Development Planning; j) Invest money not immediately required for the purpose of the Fund as directed by the Minister of Finance and Development Planning;
* Human Resource Management-effective and efficient Human Resource:
- a) Manage all staff of the National Road Fund;
- b) Appoint staff to the Office of the Road Fund;
- c) Enter into contracts on behalf of the Office of the Road Fund;
- d) Engage consultants and auditors;
- e) Appoint agents and attorneys; and
- f) Ensure effective and accountable performance of staff, functions and duties
- g) Ensuring that remuneration and conditions of service may be approved by the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, upon recommendation of the National Road Fund Manager.
- h) Ensure that all employment shall be subject to a contract of employment that shall state clearly the levels of performance required of the employee as the basis for annual performance evaluations to be undertaken.
*Asset Acquisition and develop properties: as deemed necessary for the performance of the functions of the Office; disposing of said properties as the administration may deem necessary, provided however, that the decision for the disposal of properties meets the approval of the Minister of Finance and Development Planning.
* Reporting Requirements-providing as when necessary Monthly, quarterly, and annual reports on budgetary, financial and expenditures reports of the National Road Funds-including but not limited to government and donor funding, additional financing, operations expenses and annual performance report as may be required by the Act.
Technical Support Consultant – World Bank: West African Regional Fisheries
Project (WARFP) – Ministry of Agriculture Bureau of Fishery, Monrovia, Liberia
*Provide technical support in financial management and project management to the Bureau National Fisheries (BNF) to be able to successfully manage the closing procedures for the West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP) in Liberia project closing procedures of the World Bank. The consultant will in particular support proper closure of the IDA/GEF grants through effective financial management. The consultant will also support the transitioning of the preparation and supervision of the ACGF additional financing and of the GEF additional financing, through identifying and mapping and budgeting for any uncompleted priority activities (due to financing gap) from the IDA/GEF to the ACGF additional financing.
- a) Reviewed and revised the WARFP Project Implementation Manual (PIM)
- b) Provide support and ensured that the PFMU at Ministry of Finance Development Interim Financial Management is accurate and reflects the activities of the WARFP PMU.
- c) Support the PIU to ensure the WARFP in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Liberia WARFP Operational Manual, while keeping the National Steering Committee and the BNF informed on progress and potential delays; d) Support the PIU to ensure the timely payment of contractors; Monitor implementation of the action plan and work program; Participate and guide the project management in all project reviews and Regularly report to the TTLs on all progress and any challenges encountered in project implementation including but not limited to budget management, financial management, the management of the closure of the IDA/GEF grants, the preparation of the ACGF additional financing.
* Deputy Chief of Party – USAID $24 million Dollars Feeder Road Project-Ministry of Public Works, Monrovia, Liberia
- a) Served as the chief of operations for the internal operations and provided oversight of administration, logistic, procurement, human resources, and finance. Managed 25 million program activities as the public financial management expert on the team.
- b) Coordinated the entire LAN network and computerization of various field offices.
- c) Successfully started the project and established functional offices in four counties (Bong, Lofa, Nimba , Bassa Counties).
- d) Successfully coordinated the Public Lunch of FRAMP
- e) Successfully launched the Project Coordinating Secretariat (PCS) Stakeholders in all four counties (Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Bassa)-
- f) Successfully managed the financial fiduciary responsibilities of the FRAMP and put in place an efficient and effective financial management systems
- g) Successfully setup accounting system and improved financial reporting, ensured adequate documentation of transactions and established good filing systems of accounting records.
- h) Successfully established functional field offices and put in place adequate procurement systems and fleet management systems to support program and operational activities of the project.
- i) Established adequate human resource management systems and established proper filing systems for personnel records.
- j) Successfully improved the image of the project through community outreach and media programs.
National Consultant World Health Organization (WHO) – Ministry of Health, Monrovia, Liberia
- a) Consultancy Assessment Objectives-The joint external review aims to assess whether the Ministry of Health has the capacity to take over the management of the Pool funds from April1, 2016. The Assessment is furthermore expected provide recommendations which would enable the management for the transition in March 2016, or at a specified date thereafter (should the conclusion be that the MoH will not be ready by March). Finally, the recommendations of the assessment seek to explore the interest and requirements for other donors to join the HSPF.
- b) Assessed the extent to which HDI has contributed to improving the capacity of the Ministry of Health to take over the management of the Pool Fund.
- c) Assessed the capacity and resilience of required internal systems across the MoH to take over the required Pool Fund Management Functions, including financial management, procurement, contracting, M&E and internal audit.
This is critical both from the perspective of assessing risk and building.
- d) Developed a set of recommendations in relation to transitioning full responsibility for the Pool Fund Management to the MoH, focusing on key areas for capacity building and recommending a timeline for necessary
capacity building (either up to March 2016 or to a specified date thereafter).
- e) Prepared and presented options and recommendations for enhancing the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and added value of the HSPF mechanism with a view to assisting with decisions on the future of the Fund. The Ministry of Health accepted the options and implemented recommendations.
*Project Coordinator/Consultant –World Bank Economic Governance Institutional
Reform Project / Ministry of Finance Development Planning, 1000 Broad Street,
Monrovia, Liberia
- a) Managed and closed USD18 million project portfolio rated Satisfactory by the World Bank Assessment Mission Team in May 2015. The project achieved a disbursement rate of 99%.
- b) Supervised the overall project management implementation and activities in collaboration with beneficiary’s focal persons, eight (8) government line
ministries, agencies and commissions’. Managed day-to-day activities and supervised the project management unit.
- c) Managed project technical committee members and provided excellent leadership and interpersonal skills to ensure that all eight (8) line Ministries, Agencies and Commissions implemented and completed their various project activities and achieved the overall project development objectives (Revenue Administration, Public Procurement, Budget Execution, Payroll Management and Civil Service Reform).
- d) Managed processes to ensured that Resource Management Unit at the Ministry of Finance completed the installation of a Local Area Network, installed the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IMFIMS) linked to eleven (11) government ministries and agencies and installed the ASYCUDA at the Revenue Department; Completed County Payment Systems.
- e) Ensured that the Financial Management Training School trained 54 procurement students and 111 financial management students (MBA); Ensured that the Public Procurement and Concession Commission amended
the procurement act, put in place compliance systems, strategic plan and procurement manual adopted by the cabinet; Ensured the completion and functioning of the Standard Integrated Government Tax Administration System (SIGTAS) by the Revenue Authority;
- f) Ensured that the over 28 staff inspectors at the Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy capacity built, setup computer lab for training, provided logistic and step mining inspectorate stations in five region of the country.
- g) Ensured that Civil Service Reforms activities implemented by Civil Service Agency Selected Executive Service (SES) and professionalized through capacity building by Liberia Institute of Public Administration for over 241 civil servants. Endured that Data Center constructed and equipped at the General Service Commission to connect to the IFMIS systems. Supported LEITI to ensure that staff capacity building developed to monitored concessions.
- h) Served as the chairman of the Project Technical Committee (PTC), played a pro-active facilitation role by organizing monthly PTC meetings to monitor implementation progress; prepared and proposed an annual work plan and budget with inputs from the members of PTC; and (c) ensure that the minutes of the PTC meeting is prepared.
- i) Served as secretariat of the National Steering Committee (NSC), prepared quarterly project status report that includes monitoring of the results indicators in the result framework for the project for consideration by the NSC; (b) prepared and submit to the NSC all required management reports, including an interim un-audited financial report consisting of the quarterly progress report, procurement progress report, and financial management report; and (c) organized NSC quarterly meetings and support the NCS Chairman in preparing the agenda, distributing necessary project documents, and drafting minutes of NSC meetings.
- j) Served as a focal point for Ministry of Finance in liaison with the World Bank project team and provide inputs on implementation progress and issues to the World Bank implementation support mission.
- a) Worked in collaboration with the PFMU, managed and monitored commitments, disbursement, and payments of project funds to ensure accuracy and timeliness of reporting and payments.
- b) Monitored & evaluated project activities (inputs, activities, output and outcomes). Prepare and submit timely quarterly project status reports to IDA that includes details outlined in the Project Implementation Manual.
- c) Ensured that high ethical standards and transparency are maintained by all stakeholders throughout the project implementation. d) Prepared timely quarterly and annual reports, annual budget, annual work plan, project results framework, monitoring & evaluation and customized reports based on demand.
- e) Provided project management and procurement training to focal points and communicated effectively with beneficiary focal points on project updates.
- f) Ensured that the supply chain through effective and efficient procurement management was timely.
- g) Managed human resource activities for the 5 staff of the project management unit.
- h) Monitored and established a risks management framework that identified risk, mitigation strategy and monitoring framework for expected outcomes and benefits of the overall project development objectives of the project.
- i) Traveled on a need base to various parts of the country to access project implementation activities and monitored consultants assigned out of the city.
- j) Effectively negotiated and provided savings to the project and performed cost benefit analysis ensuring that the projects achieve value for money in procurement of consultants, goods and services.
* Financial Management Consultant – Department of Transportation / Federal Transit Authority / Brooks & Associates CPA s, LLC, Largo, Maryland, United States of
America Travel regularly throughout the United States of America to various Federal Grant Funded Transit Authority and examine grantee financial management performance and adherence to current FTA requirement and policies. Other responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- a) Performed full scope Financial Management Oversight Reviews (FMO), by testing of control environment, control activities and compliance to regulations, policies and procedures.
- b) Reviewed the entire operating environment Financial Reporting, Accounting Records, Internal Control, Budget Control, Allowable Cost, Source Documentation and Cash Management based on Federal Transit Authority rule 49 CFR Part 18.20 in accordance with SSAE #10 of the AICPA. Detailed Understanding of Federal Cost Principles (Circular A-87) and experience with compliance of Federal Circular A-133.
- c) Executed and developed internal audit programs which include engagement planning, assessment planning, testing and reporting of internal audits. Perform financial statement compilation and financial audit from engagement planning through execution and reporting for Brooks clients and provide technical assistance on accounting issues.
- d) Keeping abreast of new and emerging issues in the accounting and audit professions including hands-on knowledge of GAAP, GAAS and FASB pronouncements and various other pronouncements pertaining to general ledger accounting and financial statement disclosures.
- e) Evaluated risk management plan, planned risk mitigation strategies, and monitored how risks take place throughout the life cycle of organization investment and business processes. Categorized Risks in categories, including but not limited to, (Strategic /commercial risk, Economic/Financial Risk/Market Risk, Legal and Regulatory Risk, Organization Management /People Issues, Political / Societal Issues, Environmental Factors, Technical Operational Infrastructure Risks, Procurement risk).
Comptroller / Accounting Manager-Revis Engineering Incorporated Lanham, Maryland, United States of America
- a) Managed annual revenue of $25 million and supervised the accounting department with a staff of five. I successfully reduced accounts payable from 1.7 million to $340,000 or 80% in seven months of employment. I successfully changed the payroll system from manual check to direct deposit payroll systems and developed a cash management system.
- b) Prepared financial statements and customize report for management and the board of directors on a timely basis. Worked with project managers regarding project completion to determined billings activities. I also worked with the board of directors, external auditors, banking institution and insurance institutions and produced customized reports for decision making and advise them from time to time.
- c) Evaluated risk, planned risk mitigation strategies, and monitored how risks take place throughout the life cycle of organization investment and business processes. Categorized Risks in categories, including but not limited to,(Strategic /commercial risk, Economic/Financial Risk/Market Risk, Legal and Regulatory Risk, Organization Management /People Issues, Political / Societal Issues, Environmental Factors, Technical Operational Infrastructure Risks, Procurement risk).
Finance Manager -Foundry United Methodist Church Nonprofit Organization, 16th& P Street, Washington DC, United States of America a) Managed over $5 million annual revenue and managed full cycle accounting including members’ contribution, accounts payable, payroll, income taxes, customized reports and financial statements with staff of three.
- b) Prepared budgeted financial statements and fore-casted church business activities with different organizations within the church. I ensured financial reports were prepared in accordance with FASB 117. I performed accounting and reconciled investment accounts with Charles Schwab and Adams Banks. I interacted with board of trustees on a monthly and quarterly base to present financial position of the church.
Internal Auditor- Lafayette Federal Credit Union (banking institution) Kensington, Maryland, United States of America
- a) I examined accounting and business processes at appropriate interval in order to determine the existence and adherence to required internal controls so that board and credit union members have confidence in the accuracy of financial information and the safety of assets.
- b) Planned, developed and executed internal audit programs which includes, engagement planning, assessments planning, testing and reporting of internal audit findings and recommendation to the board of directors. Experience in follow up on recommendations from internal audits report working with board of directors and executive management to resolve audit findings. c) Evaluated risk, planned risk mitigation strategies, and monitored how risks take place throughout the life cycle of organization investment and business processes. Categorized Risks in categories, including but not limited to, (Strategic /commercial risk, Economic/Financial Risk/Market Risk, Legal and Regulatory Risk, Organization Management /People Issues, Political / Societal Issues, Environmental Factors, Technical Operational Infrastructure Risks, Procurement risk).
- d) Exposure in the implementation of Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), Suspicion Activity Report (SAR) and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) program for monitoring suspicious activities and money laundering. Trained on electronic fund transfer using the federal election system business processes.
Auditor – Federal Contractor – Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) United States Federal Agency, K Street, Washington DC, United States of America a) Audits of defined and contribution pension benefit plan to determine retiree’s benefits.
- b) Traveled 50% of the time to States within the USA based on task orders assigned.
- c) Examined and analyzed pension plans of company (ies) that file bankruptcy to determine valuation of financial assets of pension plan.
- d) Performed plan assets audit by conducting research of treasury bonds, stock prices, marketable securities, money markets and government’s bond using Bloomberg terminal and other financial tools.
- e) Analyzed evidential matters as a basis for formulating an objective opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls and compliance of ERISA Laws & Regulation.
Operations & Accounting Officer-Liberian Bank for Development & Investment (LBDI) Western Union Department– Ashmun& Randal Streets, Monrovia Liberia
- a) Managed LBDI Western Union department accounting system and business processes, prepared customized reports for management decision making and performed information technology activities for the department.
- b) Performed operations duties by ensuring that remote locations business processes were efficient, trained all staff and generated reimbursement reports for sub-agents to ensure efficiencies in the value chain.
- c) Developed marketing strategies by partnering with Western Union International to create brand and product awareness to reach demographics of market segment.
- d) Extensive international training through western union international.
- e) Worked on the Total Quality Management Committee (TQMC) responsible to monitored and evaluate quality control and ensure that business processes and internal controls were efficient and effective. I also worked in the accounting department as reconciliation officer prior to the Operations position, in this role prepared general journal entries and reconciled general ledger accounts to include demand deposit and other customers account analysis.
- f) Implemented the Y 2 K configuration for the western union department. Mr. Satu computerized and evaluated the entire LBDI bank fixed asset registry of more than 2 million.
Reconciliation Officer Foreign Accounts – Meridian BIAO Bank Limited, Ashmun Street, Monrovia, Liberia Ashmun & Randal Streets, Monrovia Liberia, a) Acquired extensive international accounting experience and knowledge when
I worked at Meridian BIAO Bank Limited.
- b) Managed over 10 foreign bank accounts and performed reconciliation of those accounts to include Citibank, Chase Manhattan, UBS and others.
- c) Extensive experience in information technology using various operating and accounting software. At LBDI and Meridian Bank. Involved in the software migration exercise responsible to verified all reports generated and ensured that the two systems information was in agreement.
- a) President, YMCA Old Time Basketball Social & Athletic Association, YMCA Crown Hill
- b) Financial Secretary Trustee Board, St. John’s Baptist Church, Columbia Maryland USA
- c) Former President, Liberian Community Association (LCA) Washington DC Metro Area USA
- d) President Omega FA Inc. Columbia Maryland USA
- e) Member, Howard County Chamber of Commerce USA
- f) Former Chairman Marketing, Liberian Basketball Federation(LBF)
- g) Former Treasurer, Liberian Bankers Social & Athletic Association
Period Credential Specialty Institutions
2011 – 2012 Master of Science, (M. Sc.), Financial
Management & Information System University of Maryland
University College, USA
2009- 2011 MBA, Global Business Management – Finance, University of Maryland University College, USA 2005-2008 B.S.A. Accounting /
Finance, University of Phoenix USA 1996 -2002 BBA 127 credit hours Accounting/Management University of Liberia
1990-1993 Associate Degree (AA), Business Accounting & Business Administration College of West Africa Jr College, Liberia 1993 – 1994 Diploma Computer Programming West Africa Computer Science Institute, Liberia 1992- 1993 Diploma Computer Operations Liberia Data & Research Services
May 2013 Certificate The World Bank Results Monitoring & Evaluation (M & E) Cape Town, South Africa 2013 – 2014 Certificate World Bank Results Based Procurement Management Workshop, Liberia 2011- 2012 Certificate Managing Strategy in Global Market Place University of Maryland University College, USA
2000 & 2001, Western Union International, Marketing & Operations
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