Mr. YAO Noël UJPLA President

Statement by the Union of Journalists for African Free Press on Niger

Mr. YAO Noël UJPLA President

Abidjan, August 1st, 2023. The Union of Journalists for  African Free Press (UJPLA) has been following with great interest the developments in Niger. UJPLA is very concerned that journalists may now face threats and coercion in Niger.

Some journalists remain under surveillance and close monitoring of military authorities.

Deeply committed to press freedom and the safety of journalists throughout the African continent, UJPLA condemns any action that would impede, endanger or attempt to silence the work of reporters in Niger.

UJPLA reiterates its fraternal support to reporters and the entire community of men and women of the media in Niger. UJPLA commends the work of civil institutions that have established mechanisms for following up and documenting possible violations of reporters’ rights.

UJPLA calls on all parties to do everything possible to guarantee the freedom of movement and safety of all men and women working in the media in Niger or covering the conflict therein. UJPLA urges all journalists currently in Niger to continue to exercise their profession in safety, with responsibility and professionalism.

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