Several Instructors Trained Ahead Of Camp xSEL Satellite Camp In Maryland

Ahead of the Camp xSEL (Excellence in Science Education for Liberia) satellite camp in Maryland County, the state-run University of Liberia College of Health Sciences (ULCHS) at the weekend held training for selected instructors of the William V.S. Tubman University in Maryland County and teachers from selected high schools in the South Eastern region of the country.

During the camp, which is expected to run from July 29 to August 29, 2024, students from selected high schools will assemble in Maryland and will be taught by the instructors, who were trained and equipped with the materials to be present.

Camp xSEL, a project which is supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bringing Research to Impact for Development and Global Engagement – Utilization (BRIDGE–U Liberia), serves as a motivational tool for students across the country to develop interest in Sciences upon completion from high school.

The program aims to equip incoming students with the learning tools for their journey into pre-medical and pre-clinical studies at the UL.

Speaking at occasion marking climax of the training, Mr. Emmanuel B. Chea, who once served as an instructor at Camp xSEL in 2023, underscored the importance of camp at different levels of the teaching and learning processes.

“What I did at Camp xSEL in 2023 I applied that at the Tubman University in my classroom and it was very good. Our time at the camp in 2023 was very good. We had the opportunity to meet with students from the 15 counties, and we met fellow teachers, counselors, and some of those things that happened at the camp were wonderful,” said Mr. Chea.

Madam Comfort Enders, Director of Faculty and Students Learning at the A.M. Dogliotti College of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UL, indicated that the initiative is intended to empower the young generation of students to take interest in the medical field and with the mindset of improving the health system of Liberia.

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