Sarah Kollie Rewarded As ‘Good Samaritan’ -As Benjamin Saah Kettor Recalls Life In Exile As A Refuge Student

L/R: Benjamin Kettor Pst. Bimba & Ms. Kollie

It is often said what a man or woman sworn, so shall he or she reaps, this is exactly what has happened to Ms. Sarah Kollie, former head of the Women’s Reproductive Health Group in Gueckedou, Guinea who promptly responded to a struggling Liberian refuge student Benjamin Saah Kettor.

Recalling this prompt intervention from this good Samaritan in that West African nation, Kettor said it was about twenty years ago in 1998, when Madam Kollie responded to his request as a Liberian refugee who has the exuberance to enroll at a vocational school, but financially challenged.

According to Kettor, Ms. Kollie donated a sum of 1,000 Guinea Franc (GNF) equivalent to 50LD then to him toward his quest for vocational skills in computer science.

He said he had just completed his high school studies from Kango Refugee High School under the auspices of the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

Kettor recalled that he was greatly in need of financial support to take computer science classes at IRC Vocational Training Institute, Gueckedou, Guinea.

Having being left in exile without the support of his parents, he embarked upon soliciting assistance from recognized people in the community.

Among the many people that he wrote to for assistance, he stated that it was only Ms. Sarah Kollie, former head of the Women’s Reproductive Health Group in Gueckedou, Guinea that responded positively.

The then young man was later accepted to take classes at IRC Vocational Training Institute, but had to share a chair and computer with one of his fellow students because the class was already full to capacity. Nevertheless, he managed to learn some basic computer skills under challenging circumstances.

With the knowledge gained from such training, Kettor said he was fortunate to have secured a job with GTZ/UNHCR as Field agent/Team leader during the Voluntary Repatriation of Sierra Leonean Refugees.

The project was conducted in 1998 by air from Kissidougou, Guinea to Lungi International Airport in Sierra Leone, West Africa. His dedication and performance helped pave the way for him to gain other job opportunities.

Kettor resides in the diaspora, in the United States of America and has been fortunate to acquire additional knowledge in computer science among other achievements. In retrospect, Kettor remembered this kind-hearted woman for her donation which helped him become computer literate.

To demonstrate his gratitude, Ketter packaged a surprise gift of appreciation and sent it to Ms. Kollie with the same amount, but this time in United States Dollars for the favor done to him twenty years ago. He has been saving for twenty years to reach this goal.

“It is worth noting that in life never get weary of doing good for in due season God will reward you when you least expect it. Never forget those who helped you at the point of your need in life. God might have brought them your way for a reason. But most importantly, never forget God because He will always be there with you no matter what your condition may be,” he said.

He further stated: “Thank you, Ms. Kollie! You may not remember the details of this story but I’m so grateful for your kindness and generosity. Your generous actions demonstrate the saying: Give a man his flowers while he is still alive. May God continue to bless you!”

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