RICCE Assures Robust Advocacy following Strategic Board Meeting
Monrovia, Liberia: In its quest for social and gender justice in Liberia and beyond, the Board of the Rural Integrated Center for Community Empowerment (RICCE) met over the weekend to further enhance the already successful works of the organization. The board members assured that they will continue to work in an effort to ensure a just society. The board retreat was made possible with funding support from the American Jewish World Service (AJWS) project title: “Increasing Women Participation in Natural Resource Management to Restore Traditional Knowledge.”
The overall objective of the two-day strategic board meeting was for the Executive Director, Madam Salome G. Gofan, to present a summary report of the organization’s operations from January 2022 to March 2024 and present the strategic plan to the board.
Madam Gofan’s presentation provided updates to the Board of Directors on the current state of RICCE and solicited their support in steering RICCE towards a sustainable future. The presentations also included a brief history of RICCE management, highlight of projects, programs, partnerships, financial health, achievements, challenges and forward looking were followed by interactive plenary sessions two days.
During the interactive discussions, board members analyzed the improvement of the organization, the innovation and result oriented and suggested ways for the organization to improve and make progress. They further explored new opportunities for the organization that will see the organization remain one of the household names when it comes to advocacy for a just society for all.
There were lots of successes documented during the reflection session and members of the board vowed to keep on such paths and even go beyond as they continue to make positive impacts in Liberia and on the international scene.
Excited over what has been achieved so far, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Madam Alice Kenkpen-Sirleaf, applauded the board members for their participation in the board meetings, for providing leadership direction to the management team of RICCE and called on both the management and board members to remain engaged.
She recounted “Many organizations failed because they don’t have checkmating mechanisms.”
RICCE works to empower rural communities to take charge of their destinies. The work of RICCE in rural communities covers a range of programs including; food security, gender equality and women empowerment, environmental safety and biodiversity conservation, income generation activities, peace building and reconciliation among others.
RICCE works across the 15 counties of Liberia with work effecting hundreds of rural people lives and influencing many policy recommendations.
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