Rep Yekeh Kolubah Faces Expulsion At The Legislature?

Unconfirmed sources at the National Legislature have hinted that members of the House of Representatives are reportedly gathering signatures to overwhelmingly vote out  one of their colleagues from that august body due for rudely attitude towards the presidency, and other leaders of the country.

The sources which confided in your most informative news platform, GNN-Liberia also hinted how unspecified amount of money is reportedly been dished out in the corridor of the Capitol Building, the home of the Liberian lawmakers to quietly implement process by voting out Montserrado County District #10 Representative, Yekeh Kolubah.

GNN-Liberia unconfirmed sources also revealed that Representative Kolubah’s  constant disrespect to the executive  has brought the Legislative Branch, especially the House of Representatives to public disgrace due to his countless insults o the President of the Republic of Liberia and other members in the Executive will not be encouraged anymore on the part of Represntatuve Kolubah.

The source further disclosed that some members of the House are calling for his suspension, while others are demanding that he be expelled for at lease five years, one of the lawmakers who begged not to be named said, “The Capitol Building is a House for the elders and not for people to come and bring us disgrace; this guy is always in the constant habit of insulting presidents and disrespecting other lawmakers in the chambers of the legislature, he must be expelled in other to set as an example to others”.

One of the sources at the Capitol Building Our source hinted that if this bill succeed, and hit the floor of the legislature, it will take the angel from haven to save Representative Yekeh Korlubah. “This guy insulted the than President George Weah and disturbed the entire legislature for 6 years, he is starting the same thing. We were elected to represent our people, but not to have one man that don’t proffer any bill but just have press conferences to insult people”, one of the lawmaker who also preferred not to be named told our staff.

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