Professional Media Hub Established In Liberia

Weah Karpeh
Chief Executive Officer
P.O. Box 1841
Capitol Bye-pass
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
Phone Numbers: +231 (0) 777 960 248/ +231 (0) 881 472 930
Mr. Weah Karpeh Chief Executive Officer Media Hub Liberia

Media Hub Liberia a media relations and monitoring company has been established in Liberia by four Liberian journalists and public information practitioners who have worked in the Media Relations and Monitoring Unit of the Public Information Section of the United Nations Mission in Liberia.

According to a press statement issued in Monrovia today, April 30, 2018, the concept of media relations and monitoring was unknown to Liberia until the UN mission emerged. It recruited and trained the practitioners who having worked for more than 10 years in the field now use their new skills to change the informal ways public or industrial relations managers engage the media in efforts to address a problem or introduce a new product/service.

Situated in Liberia, Media Hub Liberia offers for a fee, an online high-speed early-morning daily media summary on issues of human rights, health, politics, governance, rule of law, gender, education, agriculture, development, disaster, the environment, concessions, foreseeing that the product helps to accelerate the work of its clients – many of whom are key decision-makers.

Media Hub Liberia trains and shares knowledge; provides public relations and media consultancies; organizes media seminars and workshops; archives and retrieves speeches, reports and personality profiles. The Hub gathers and stores audio and video documentaries of public events such as debates, hearings; and organizes press conferences, exclusive interviews, press tours; and conducts media researches.

Media Hub Liberia’s services to clients are built on five pillars, namely:

  • Media Monitoring
  • Media Relations
  • Training & Knowledge-Sharing
  • Media Consultancy
  • Archive Service

Clients long for the Hub’s products because of the quality and timeliness with which it produces and emails to them, and because the company has very experienced, committed and professional journalists and media analysts who work on the product. To market or sell its products, the company engages in outreach, networking, advertising and knocking doors.

Contact person:

Weah Karpeh

Chief Executive Officer

Media Hub Liberia

Capitol Bye-pass

P.O. Box 1841, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia


Phone Numbers: +231 (0) 777 960 248/+231 (0)881 472 930

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