PLP Political Leader, Daniel Cassell Presents COVID-19 Preventive Materials

By Sekou B Kamara

PLP Political leader, Dr. Daniel Cassell presents COVID-19 preventive material

The political leader of the newly organized opposition political party, the People Liberation Party’s (PLP) headquarters in Congo town, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell today, July 7, 2021 presented huge consignment of hand washing materials to be used by his partisans and visitors.

The presentation of the hand washing materials was coincided with the administering of covid-19 vaccines to partisans of the PLP by the John F. Kennedy Medical Center health team under the watch eyes of Mr. Nicholas W. Koffa.

The occasion today at the headquarters of the PLP was indeed colorful, as many bystanders and partisans of the party were overwhelmed, lauding the effort of Dr, Cassell for his thoughtfulness regarding the health needs of his partisans and other Liberians.

Prior to this presentation, the PLP political leader few months ago Dr. Daniel Cassell Commissioned 10 72-Seater Buses to ease transportation challenges being faced with Liberian commuters.

The 72-seated buses were commissioned by the Vision Bearer of the PLP, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, at a brief ceremony held at the party’s headquarters in Congo Town, outside Monrovia on April 28, 2021.

Dr. Cassell is also the Chief Executive Officer/President of the Dr. Cassell’s Foundation and the Kwenyah Security Firm in the country during the commissioning of these ten buses disclosed that the move was intended to help address the numerous challenges citizens faced on a regular basis in moving from one place to another.

According to him, the transportation service launched by his party under the captioned “Liberation Transportation” Service is not intended for profiteering, but to also help provide job opportunities for citizens, particularly ordinary Liberians.

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