Parliament ready for talks on an EU-wide Disability Card
Press Release |
- Equal rights and conditions for EU Disability Card or Parking Card holders when travelling or visiting other EU countries
- EU Disability Card to be issued within 60 days, EU Parking Card within 30 days, both free of charge
- MEPs want those moving to another member state for work or study to also be covered by the directive
- Parliament today adopted its mandate for negotiations with the Council on the EU disability card and the parking card for persons with disabilities.
Parliament’s mandate, prepared by the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, introduces deadlines for issuing and renewing the cards – within 60 days for the EU disability card and within 30 days for the parking card. Parliament also introduces the option to request a digital version of the parking card, to be ready in 15 days.
MEPs propose that both cards should be available in physical and digital format and free of charge. They want the rules and conditions when someone applies for the card to be available in accessible formats, including national and international sign languages and braille, and in easily understandable language.
To ensure access to benefits and social assistance for those working or studying in another member state, MEPs amended the proposal to temporarily protect European Disability Card holders that move to another member state for work or study, until their status is formally recognised, including those travelling for an EU mobility programme, such as Erasmus+.
Member states and the Commission should raise citizens’ awareness about the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities, MEPs say, including by setting up a website with information on how to obtain, use and renew the cards in all EU languages and national and international sign language.
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