Organizers Of ‘Bring Back Our Money’ Response To CBL Press Statement – Says ‘How Can The Accused Be The Judge’

Flash back: Protesters of Bring Back Our Money

The organizers of the ‘Bring Back Our Money’ campaigners have angrily reacted to the recent statement issued by the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) on the alleged missing money issue.

The group said, ‘How can the accused be the judge? How can the prime suspect be the one to give verdict even though investigation is ongoing?Β  CBL Press Statement is a monument of farce of fiasco’

Such statement is only good enough to be placed in the waste-bucket of the MCC:

See full text of the statement

COCUBOMB will promptly and systematically react to CBL calculated and prearranged attempt to distort the facts. We call on all Liberians to begin immediate mass mobilization for an impending nationwide peaceful protest. The prearranged press statement of CBL is a provocation to poverty-stricken masses especially slum-dwellers.

Deputy Governor Charles Sirleaf and Deputy Governor Mounir Siaplay who have been barred from traveling out of the Country as a result of their link to this missing L$16 billion are the ones having press conference to inform us that there is no money missing. What credibility does CBL have to give such a premature verdict when over 32 of its staff are link to this horrific corruption scandal?

Few questions:

When did CBL get to know that no money is missing when the President, Justice Minister, Information Minister, CDC Chairman, Rep. Solomon George, etc. have said to us that money is missing?

Why investigate since August 8 where there is no money missing?

Why invite the US Treasury Department, FBI, and IMF to assist with investigation?

Why as the UN, AU and ECOWAS to also assist you?

Why ban over 35 persons of interest from traveling out of the Country?

Why was the write of Ne-Exeat Republica issued against staff of CBL?

Why have the brokers along with the truck driver who released those containers escaped?

Why ask LACC to lead an investigation since there is no money missing?

When did CBL get to know that the missing money is in the bank’s vault?

Is Nathaniel Partray acting on the orders of President Weah as he promised during his induction ceremony as CBL Governor?

What is the source of the US$25m infusion? When, how and through which medium was this US$25 million infused?

The press statement from CBL further indicts the Government of Liberia and heightens a new wave of contradictions. The government has proven utter dishonesty and insincerity. COCUBOMB describes CBL latest release as a mere fiasco only meant to undermine the progressive nature of the ongoing investigation.

The account of CBL is not only offensive but provocative. It might breed a national outcry and showdown. The people are becoming angry. Again, we want to reaffirm a vote of no confidence in this government to investigate this national emergency situation. The international community must take full charge of this controversy and mystery.

Again, we will not accept any report from the Presidential Investigative Team (PIT). That team lacks the credibility and independence to impartially investigation this matter. The faces on the committee are diehard CDCians and have blood relationship with a lot of the prime suspects. COCUBOMB further reiterates its call for an Independent International Forensic Investigation. Anything less than this is unacceptable!

We call on our people to intensify the ongoing mass mobilization and community engagement for a nationwide peaceful protest. The government has a choice to either account for the people’s money or it will confronted with consistent mass-based peaceful civil actions. The people will not rest until this money is fully accounted for.

Contact Person: Martin K. N. Kollie, National Chairman COCUBOMB, 0776572334

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