One Of Liberia’s finest Journalists, E. Blamo Robinson Is Dead

A big blow of death has once again hate hit the Liberian media community with the passing of one its stakeholders, a long time broadcast journalist. E. Blamo Robinson who died after a brief illness this week.
‘EBR’ as he was affectionately called prior to his demise wrote on his ‘Face Book’ wall wrote, “February is a month of anniversaries for me! I was born on February 3; I got my first degree from the UL Mass Comm. Dept on February 13, 1990; I got married on February 14, 2010, so tell me why I shouldn’t refer to myself as “Mr. February” as I observe the first of the anniversaries today folks, MY BIRTHDAY,” not taking note of his death.
Prior to his demise, ‘EBR’ worked at the Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA) as one of its media executives, members of the Liberian media community will indeed miss his presence.
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