NPHIL Alarms Over Liberians Traveling To China Via Guinea, Sierra Leone Amidst Coronavirus Threat To Human Lives

The acting head of the National Public Health of Liberia (NPHIL) has alarmed over the continual refusal of Liberian businesswoman to relax their China business venture due the current health situation in that part of the globe as a result of the outbreak of the Coronavirus which has taken thousands of lives in China and is spreading its wings to other parts of the world.
Making the closure today, February 13, 2020 on state radio (ELBC), Dr. Mosoka P. Fallah said his institution has gathered information that Liberian businesswoman who are usually in China to buy goods prior to the outbreak of the virus are insisting to continue their business venture despite of calls by the government of Liberia to suspend their businesses by going to China, these businesswoman are using routes from Liberia to neighboring countries; Guinea and Sierra Leone to make their journey to China.
Dr. Fallah said this situation has the capacity to bring the virus to Liberia through the visits of these businesswoman to China, “This situation is serious, these people need to be warned to stop going to China until otherwise,” Dr. Fallah in a rather angry mood said.
Over the past years, China has been a commercial center for Liberian businesswoman by buying goods to be sold in Liberia. Since the outbreak, many of those who were in China during the outbreak of the virus and have returned have been quarantined here upon arrival.
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