NIGERIA: Prophet TB Joshua Releases Message For 2021

From Ihechukwu Njoku |Nigeria |

Prominent Nigerian Prophet TB Joshua has given a message regarding what to expect for the New Year 2021.

The cleric, who sent the message from a ‘Prayer Mountain’ at an undisclosed location in Nigeria, stopped short of releasing his ‘full prophecy’ for the year but hinted that multiple challenges lay ahead.

“This year is planting a seed that will be harvested next year. What this monster called COVID-19 has been destroying will be seen clearly next year,” he stated.

According to Joshua, some of these dire consequences included companies, educational and faith institutions “being destroyed”, “people losing their jobs”, “divorce here and there” and “poverty becoming the order of the day”.

Specifically addressing the coronavirus pandemic that ravaged the world throughout 2020, the cleric stated the disease “has three stages”.

“We are getting to the end of the first stage. The second stage will be tougher than the first stage but it will not affect all countries,” he continued, adding that the “third stage will be tougher than the second stage” but not as “widespread” as the initial outbreak.

Joshua then released some items he termed “faith tools” which he insisted would provide “a cure”.

“This is why the Lord gave me these faith tools – the New Anointing Water and the New Anointing Sticker, tagged “Not Mine But God’s Own,” Joshua explained, holding up a sticker and a small bottle of packaged water.

“Why the choice of water instead of oil? It is because it can be applied on any part of the body. It is not for sale; that is why it is anointed. Don’t be deceived due to desperation. Don’t forget – ignorance is a sin,” the cleric counselled.

Joshua added the world needed a sign to show these faith tools “came from God” because “we no longer trust our neighbours and our neighbours no longer trust us”.

He proceeded to show a clip of the ‘New Anointing Water’ being ministered virtually to people with various health challenges from over twenty different countries who connected to an online prayer session through Emmanuel TV.

As the water was ministered to the screen, several people involuntarily fell to the floor and testified thereafter to an instant miraculous healing.

Joshua concluded by saying he needed to get clear understanding from God before declaring his complete prophetic message for 2021

“I want to study it because the message here is full of idiom,” he disclosed. “I’m just a servant. I need to ask God again and again and understand it before declaring it to the world.”

Last year, Joshua had declared 2020 as “the year of humility”, stressing that God would “humble us with our challenges such as affliction”.

He equally foretold the backlash for US President Donald Trump over his handling of the protests that erupted in the wake of the killing of George Floyd and his subsequent narrow election defeat to Joe Biden.

Joshua also predicted the worldwide “economic backlash”, the disunity affecting the British Royal Family and the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani by US forces.

In tandem with the message for 2021, the cleric also released a video of him visiting “some of the world’s oldest living people” in a rural Nigerian community.

Joshua is shown meeting several centenarians, some who claimed to be over 140-years-old, providing N300,000 to each person alongside words of counsel and prayer.

“Every rightful man simply has great habits. This is one of my habits: To see to the welfare of our elderly ones, most especially before and after my communion with God,” Joshua explained.

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