NEC Employee Who Escaped Death In 2017 Fears For His Life

Mr. Patrick Savay

GNN has reliably leaned that an employee of the National Elections Commission (NEC) whose life was reportedly threatened by some armed men during the 2017 general and presidential election is again worrying about his life and family due reported constant visit of armed men at his residence in the ELWA Community, outside Monrovia.

Speaking to reporters recently, some eyewitnesses who also claimed to be closed neighbors of Mr. Patrick Savay, who is also a stalwart of the former ruling Unity Party (UP) narrated that his home is on a regular basic come under attack by unknown men, a situation the eyewitnesses said made him to leave his home for fear of being murder in cold blood.

One of the eyewitnesses only identified as Solomon said the most recent and fearful attack on the life of Savay took place on the 24th of December, 2018 at about 230am when his residence came under suppressive firing by unknown armed making some residents area to flee for their lives.

Another eyewitness who also preferred not to be named in an exclusive interview with the GNN said during the night of the attack on the residence of Savay said he spotted six armed men during the day of the attack on the residence of Savay, putting the gateman at gunpoint while forcibly entering the compound.

“The gateman raised alarm making some resident to be on the alert about the incident, the men were well armed with deadly weapons including cutlasses, all of them wore marks conceiving their identification; the vehicle of Mr. Savay was set ablaze, injuring the gate man,” the eyewitness in a chat with our reporter said.

When asked as to why the community residents did not come to the rescue of Mr. Savay at that time, the eyewitness said, they all were afraid to get in the vicinity because according to Matthew, the eyewitness, the men were heavily armed.

However, Mr. Savay and family including wife and children where about are unknown. Mr. Savay is hiding for fear that he might be bodily harm by the people who want him dead. His ELWA residence is locked up with no visible sign of his presence. Patrick has to stay low or find his way to a safe location.

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