My take on Pandemic Financing in 2015

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine invited me to a panel discussion on Pandemic Financing. Now I can see that I was still young at that time and it was just 2015. take and listen…
The Journey of the Grassroots revolution continues…
In April of 2017, I paused the narration of the history of the grassroots revolution which we (emphasis is extremely important) began in May of 2004. I believed that I had ended the happenings up to October 2004 ( and now I am ready to begin November 2004 up and including February 2006.
It is extremely important to understand and appreciate the journey that was traveled as well as the various actors who traveled that journey.
Like always, I promise you that it will an interesting read as many interesting things happened…
JFK here…
Eventually, things might shape up…
The key word is eventually! It is always the case that we, eventually, will all become successful. It is just that maybe, before our “eventuality” arrives, we might not be around but we can sure that history will record our victories.
If we have ever spent time listening to economists and financial analysts, we have heard them talk about the “short-run” and the “long-run.” These two time frames make all the difference in life. If you have patience to wait and don’t be carried away by the current activities in the market; if you are willing and able to stay the course, I believe that in the long-run, your portfolio value will be exactly where you expected to be. But again, you have to be willing to experience the turbulence and the cyclicality of the market and eventually, again I say, eventually, you will get ahead.
Eventually, we all do win our battles but we have to be patient and wait for that eventuality.
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