Motorbike Rider Arrested With Human Skeletons In Rivergee

From: E. Varney Kamah correspondent Maryland County

The Rivergee County Police detachment of the Liberia National Police is said to be investigating a  48 year old Motorcyclist identified as Stanford  Karpeh for been in possession of  humans parts.

According to report, the suspect was arrested on May 16, 2022, by the Liberia National Police (LNP)  in Fish Town for treavilng with the human parts.

According to ELBC Corespondent in River Gee County Prince Compland Via mobile  phone on SEAL Breakfast Show in Harper said  suspect Karpeh said  the human parts in question belonged to a passenger who he picked up on his motorbike.

Explaining further, the suspect said  while he was in  route to River Gee county, from Grand Kru Dwehken, he picked up a  passenger,  upon theirs arrival in Gbeapo Joequiken,  they were involved into an accident while escaping a little child who was on the main road of Joequiken.

“I never knew this guy was actually having  human parts in his bag and I  put him on my bike, I later noticed that he had human parts in his bag when we took an accident, and the bag felt on the ground that which displayed the materials on the ground, after the materials felt on the ground, several residents in the town came around that sparked out a  huge tension amongst the people of Joequiken. the Suspect explained.

According to eyewitness, following the discovery of the human parts into the bag that is believed to be owned by the passenger, he allegedly escaped the scene; the news broke out and several residence raised concerned.

Mr. Karpeh is currently under police custody under going investigation, Meanwhile, the situation claimed the attention of several Citizens in River Gee and according on the Liberia National Police in the County to investigate the case properly

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