Monrovia Overwhelms On Independence Day, July 26, As Five Presidents Arrive To Celebrate With Their Counterpart

Nigeria, Guinea, Senegal, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone with Liberian Flag

Monrovia, one of the oldest capital cities of Africa will on tomorrow, July 26, Liberia’s 72nd Independence Day, be overwhelmed with the arrival of dozens of international guests including five African leaders who are expected to join their Liberian counterpart, President George Manneh Weah in observing of this colorful and historic occasion.

Already appropriate measures have been put in place by the traffic division of the Liberia National Police for the arrival of international VIPs and other international guests, many of whom are expected to arrive today at the Robert International Airport.

According to an official release from the presidency, five presidents from Nigeria, Senegal, Ivory Coast Sierra Leone and Guinea are expected to arrive in the country in order to form part of this celebration, as Liberians in their hundreds will storm the airport to receive the guests.

Over the past few days, the Liberian leader in commemoration of this day have been dedicating several projects at different locations with the latest being the newly constructed ministerial complex and the Robert International Airport terminal in Margibi County, outside the capital.

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