Ministry of Labour Submits Child Labour Law For Enactment

Labour Minister, Cllr. Charles Gibson

The Ministry of Labour has summited Two Drafts of the “Child Labour law and amended Decent Work Act of 2015” to the National Legislators for amendment and enactment.

The amendment to the “Decent Act of 2015” will provide  Separation of Benefits for workers who have completed Twenty Consecutive years of Faithful Service and have not yet reach retirement age.

The Act will ensure payment of Retirement Packages for Certain Categories of Employees, including compensation for non-Occupational Disability and Endowment for Vulnerable workers notwithstanding NASSCORP enrolment.

It will also provide protection for the rights and interest of workers in Liberia in keeping with international Labour obligation and national regulations and labour Practices.

The Ministry has also summited the drift of “Child Labour Law” to the Legislature for enactment.

The Law which was recently validated by the stakeholders is gear towards protecting children from  force Labour and is in compliance with the International Labour Organization (ILO), Convention #138 and laws.

Prior to the submission of the drift, the Ministry of Labour in collaboration with Winrock International ATLAS Project, held two days symposium to review and validate the drift Child Labour Law as well to ensure that ILO Convention #138 is fully domesticated in local law.

The symposium which was held at the Royal Ambassador Hotel in Margibi County, brought together members of the Labour and Justice, Gender Committees of both Houses of the Legislature, National Commission on Child Labour, representatives of civil society and children advocacy groups, stakeholders in the fight against child Labour in Liberia including  local and International partners.

The Act which is to be known as “The ACT To Establish Child Labour Law in Liberia” was on Tuesday July 19, 2022, presented for Legislative Consideration by Maryland County District #1 Representative Hon. P. Mike Jurry, Chairman on Labour Committee, House of Representatives.

It can be recalled that the Government of Liberia ratified two ILO Conventions which had been outstanding since 1954 and 1973, including Convention #100 which calls for “Equal Pay for Equal Work”, and Convention #138 that talks about “Minimum Age for admission to Work”.

The two ratified Conventions were officially presented to the Governing body of the International Labour Organization at the 110th International Labour Conference held in Geneva June of this year and are now being deposited.

Labour Minister Cllr.  Charles H.  Gibson had expressed delight over the cordial working relationship between his office and the National Legislators, especially Labour committee of both Houses.

He said, it is his hope that they all will continue to work together in the interest of protecting children from force Labour in compliance with international obligation and national regulations norms and practices.

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