Members Of NBCAA/BOMI-USA Visit Home County In Humanitarian Mission

Members and Executives of NBCAA/Bomi USA

Members and officials of the National Bomi County Association in the Americas (NBCAA/BOMI-USA)/ who are currently in the country are visiting their home county, Bomi County on a weeklong humanitarian mission, according to the Project of the organization, Bendu Graffin Washington.

In a press release issued this week, the weeklong tour in the county will run from March 11, thru March 21, 2023.  NBCAA is the umbrella organization of all citizens of Bomi County in Liberia and around the world, responsible to unite, support and further advocate for the provision of support to the development process of the Bomi County.

Members of the delegation including the President of the organization, Mr. Musa Wille are expected to carry out series of humanitarian initiatives in the county.

While in the county the group amongst other things will use the trip to visit several institutions including the Bomi disabled community, health institutions, the Bomi Community College, civil society organizations, local leaders, county’s Legislative Caucus members.

The release further indicated that a land for resource center, and the ongoing clinics renovation project in Suehn-Mecca District, Jenneh and Sass Town Public School, the four districts and other areas of interest to NBCAA.

NBCAA will host several programs among which will be press conferences, voter registration awareness program, back to school children program, Unity and traditional program, women empowerment project, leadership and capacity building workshop for high school, vocational and college student leaders, etc

According to the itinerary of the group visit, on  Saturday, March 11, 2023, the team will hold a Press Conference- Deman Town, Dewoin District, Sunday, March 12, 2023 – Team Meeting, on Monday, March 13, 2023 – the team will also visit  the following institutions: Bomi Hospital, Klay Health Center, Bomi Radio and the Disabled Community, Senjeh District & Klay District.

On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 – Negotiation for Land or Space for NBCAA proposed Resource Center, Legislative Caucus’ Meeting, Local Leaders, Civic Society Organizations & other Institutions, on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 – Holiday, on Thursday, March 16, 2023 – Voter Registration Awareness Program, than on Friday, March 17, 2023 – Back to School Children Program & Visitation to ongoing Clinic Projects in Suehn-Mecca District.

On Saturday, March 18, 2023, a Unity & Traditional Program, Teh District will take place, while on  Sunday, March 19, 2023 – Visitation of ongoing Women Empowerment Projects, Dewoin District, Suehn Mecca District and Senjeh District, on Monday, March 20, 2023 – Visits to Jenneh & Sass Town Public Schools, Leadership & Capacity Building Workshop for Community College and High School Leaders & Campus Organizations, Bomi Community College Campus.

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