Local church helping to make a difference in Liberia

People browse for treasures and goodies at Cedar Creek Church on Aug. 4, during a yard sale to benefit aid programs in Liberia.
(Arlyn Macdonald/Montrose Daily Press)

Tables full of goods, clothing, pictures, treasures and furniture lined the sidewalks outside the Cedar Creek Church on Saturday, as the community stopped by for the huge yard sale hosted by the church members. All proceeds of this special project will go to support the critical aid programs helping to rebuild the lives of the people in Liberia, a country located on the Atlantic coast of West Africa.

“It is a little bit humbling to know that our throwaways are a blessing in Liberia,” said Doug Kiesewetter, member of the Cedar Creek Church, who has been supporting the Liberian programs for the past 15 years. He said Liberia just finished 25 years of civil war. “The country is incredibly poor and broken. Seventy percent of the population is under the age of 16. Many are orphans or were child soldiers, given a gun instead of an education at age 7 or 8. The educational system has collapsed. People usually eat one meal per day of casaba and rice. There is no electrical grid and little transportation. It is a desperate situation.”

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