Liberians In U.S. Opt For ‘Visa-Free’ Privileges, Appeal To Senator Eaton

Hundreds of Liberians residing in the United States, specifically in Minnesota are appealing to the Minnesota State District 40 Senator, Christine Ann Eaton, to use her honorable offices to make it possible for them to be granted not only a permanent status, but a visa-free privilege to all Liberians based on the closed relationship between the two countries.
The group spoke last week when they met the Senator in Brooklyn Center to acknowledge some of the problems they are currently being faced with in her district, making some historical points that Liberia being an important country to the United States in Africa, it was also important that such be taken into consideration.
Noting, the group told the U.S. lawmaker, “The United States established diplomatic relations with Liberia in 1864; 17 years after it declared independence from the American Colonization Society, an organization that resettled free African-Americans and freed slaves in Liberia.”
The Liberians in their number urged the U.S. lawmaker to see reason in putting their call to through to the rest of her colleagues in the United States Senate, in order for their plead to be addressed and accepted.
A post on the Face Book wall of one of those Liberians in the United States, Mr. Adventor Trye disclosed.
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