Liberian Government Assures Of Repatriating Overstayed Scholarship Students From Morocco

Liberia’s Education Minister Dr. Ansu Sonii has disclosed government plans to repatriate 32 Liberian scholarship students sent to Morocco but have overstayed the time of study in that country.

Dr. Sonii at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing Thursday explained that the Liberian government scholarship program in Morocco are in Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degree categories, which require four, two and three years respectively but, according to him, some of the students have spent about ten years acquiring a Bachelor’s degree.

According to him, some of the students who have overstayed in Morocco have completed their Bachelor’s degree studies, but are doing their Master’s at the expense of the government without the knowledge of the Ministry of Education.

“This is unacceptable, the action of these students does not mean well for the country. If a student received his or her Bachelor’s Degree, they are to come back home and work for the government for one or two years before applying for the Master’s program,” Sonii said

He indicated that the government of Liberia will provide funding to transport the overstayed students to return to Liberia, something he said will help reduce the burden on the government.

The Education Minister pointed out that some of the students who have overstayed in Morocco and have not completed their studies will be granted the opportunity at the University of Liberia when they are brought home.

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