The Liberian Gold Schemer That Cost His American Victims Millions Of Dollars

By Mike Levine | ABC News |

In a tear-filled interview with ABC News from a holding cell in Charlotte, N.C., Cassell Kuoh insisted “greed caused the entire scam

Currently in detention in the United States, Cassell Kuoh who served as an executive of the Liberia Football Association (LFA) was arrested in the United States for duping his American victims of millions of United States Dollars in an alleged gold scheme as ABC News Mike Levine report.

There’s nothing quite like seeing $100 million worth of gold with your own eyes — heaven may be the closest thing.

That’s the blunt concession of an Atlanta businessman who fell for one of the most sophisticated — and most convincing — scams U.S. law enforcement has ever seen, allegedly made possible with the help of a Liberian corrupt government officials.

“I challenge anybody that would have been there, I don’t care who you are, what walks of life you came from, I challenge you to go and see and do the things that we’ve done, and not” fall for it, the 62-year-old businessman told ABC News under the condition that he not be identified by name.

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Source: ABC News online

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