LIBERIA: Western Cluster Ltd.’s #SesaAgainstPlasticPollution Campaign Leads the Way to a Sustainable Future

  • With #SesaAgainstPlasticPollution Western cluster Limited reiterates its commitment to environment and biodiversity with a three-week long campaign
  • The campaign features multiple initiatives including cleanliness drive in Tubmanburg town, Awareness Sessions in schools & colleges, Plantation drives etc.
  • The campaign kicks off on May 22nd – World Biodiversity Day, and runs through World Environment Day on June 5th, culminating on June 15th.

Liberia, 23rd May 2023:  Western Cluster Limited has launched a campaign to reduce plastic pollution at Bomi County. The campaign, which runs from May 22 to June 15, coincides with World Environment Day and World Biodiversity Day. The company launched this campaign in line with this year’s World Environment Day theme that is #BeatPlasticPollution.

Western Cluster Limited aims to raise awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment and human health. It will also promote sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics, highlight the negative effects of using single-use plastics, and encourage individuals, businesses, and people to take action to reduce plastic pollution.

The campaign will feature a variety of activities, including awareness through all social media platforms & radio series highlighting the adverse impact of plastic pollution, An awareness session for schools on how to recycle and reuse plastic, Drawing & elocution competitions for school students which will give insight on how to recycle, reuse, dispose-off single-use plastic, alternatives to plastic in everyday life, the harmful effects of plastic, and the need to do away with the use of plastic altogether. The company is also planning to organise plantation drives at Mines, Bomi camp area and in the schools from the periphery. The mega cleanliness drive at Tubmanbarge town in collaboration with local community will be the part of this campaign.

Navin Jaju, CEO of Sesa Goa, Vedanta Limited said, “At Vedanta, our commitment towards protecting our Environment and ecosystem is deeply ingrained and this campaign serves as a small but pivotal step in our ongoing journey towards a sustainable future. We firmly believe that each one of us holds the power to #TransformingPlanet for good and by promoting the reduction of plastics pollution, we seek to initiate a ripple effect of positive change thereby, creating a collective movement that leads to a more sustainable and thriving planet.”

Launching the campaign Mr. Chetan Savant, Head- Western Cluster Limited (WCL) said “We at WCL, are committed towards sustainable future for all, and this campaign is a step ahead in our endeavour to upheld & promote Environment conservation initiatives in & around our operations in Liberia. Sustainability is at the core of our business philosophy, and we are looking forward for implementing various eco-friendly initiatives among the communities around. “

Vedanta Sesa Goa’s -CEO Navin Jaju will announce “Green Pledge” for all employees to reduce their plastic footprint in order to create a lasting impact and inspire others to follow suit in a quest to create a cleaner future.

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