LIBERIA: “We need to move to the table“ – Cllr. Chesson-Wureh urged grassroots women to define their value
By Dyujay Jackson
The Establishment Coordinator of the influential Liberian-based Angie Brooks International Centre (ABIC) for Women’s Empowerment, Leadership Development, International Peace and Security, Counsellor Dr. Yvette Chesson-Wureh has describe women as generational thinker thereby urging them to moved forward to position of trust and influence in society.
According to Madam Chesson-Wureh its time that women do away with fear, phobia and threat from their male counterpart and take on the challenge to be visible to position where they will be visible.
Speaking Tuesday March 8, 2022 during program making the celebration of International Women’s Day the Liberian diplomat describe women as aggressor, disruption and creator and therefore, they should create the space to get to position of influence and trust instead of waiting for it to come to them.
ABIC Establishment coordinator disclosed that women are generational thinkers and if we teach our girls how to speak out they will move nation, adding that women think about future while men think about now.
She noted that if women can be in charge of creation and have the ability to multi-task then who are men to say that they do not know book to be given position of influence and trust for them to accept their opinion, urging women to take responsibility to save generation.
“ I do not want us to be quite neither or girls because we are thinking women. Wr are creator and generational thinkers. We think and we have the ability to speak and things happens. We must make sure that our girls voice must be hear and its starts from the home. Weather good, bad, ugly, they should talk and we as parents will train them.
She urged grassroots women in the hall to stop hindering the voices of their girls in the home because its their responsibility to guide them in thought, train them in ideas and properly guide them how to formulate ideas to speak out.
Cllr. Chesson-Wureh noted that women are here to express themselves, urging that women in political parties should not settled for women wing position or be cook to serve the men with food and drinks but to give ideas and break the bias to be at the table and influence of decision making.
“ Liberian Women must be at the table and be visible. We as women have the right to be at the table therefore, we are not waiting for no money to bring answer. We are partner to men. We have to start training our girls in the home to speak out instead of shutting them down. Cooking, cleaning is not their life because they are beyond that. Make the space for to express themselves and explore potential to compete with the boys in the home. ABIC established Coordinator explained.
She concluded as saying; “ many rape victims today cannot express themselves because of how we start teaching them from home to shut up. We have to train all our children equally and teach our girls to speak out and express themselves.
In celebration of International Women Days Commemoration, influential Liberian-based Angie Brooks International Centre (ABIC) for Women’s Empowerment, Leadership Development, International Peace and Security on Tuesday March 8. 2022 converged several grassroots women in Liberia at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed at knowing the challenges that grassroots women are confronted with that are stopping them for going forward to be seated at the table and be visible.
The conversation also seek to find solution as to how they can formulate strategic and ideas to break the bias that are stopping women from stepping forward after listening to their challenges and recommendation which was explained.
Prior to the indoor meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affars, ABIC Establishment Coordinator with hundreds of grassroots women from Westpoint, Clara Town, New Kru Town, King Gray, Bentol, Todee and Bong County amongst others lead a peaceful march in their white shirt printed and distributed by ABIC with the inscription “ Peace in our hands” with ABIC logos on the shirt while the march was guided by the traffic division of the Liberian National Police.
The march started from down Crown Hill on Broad street and ended at the Foreign Affairs Ministry with women marching with binder in their hands with the local them: “ Liberian Women Must be at the table” which also had the general them of the international Women Day Celebration “ Women breaking the bias”.
For their parts, women participating in the conversation and explaining their challenges that are stopping them from stepping forward to the position of trust and influence, named, fear, tradition, lack of love and support for each other’s, resources, limited education and threat from their spouse as reasons for which women are not taking step at the table of trust, influence and decision making.
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