LIBERIA: Sen. Johnson Condemns Planned December 31 ‘Step Down’ Campaign
TUBMANBURG, (LINA) – Bomi County Senator Sando Johnson has condemned the December 31 “Step Down” campaign being organized by some members of the Council of Patriots to call on President George Weah to step down from the Presidency.
Speaking on a local radio in Monrovia Tuesday, Senator Johnson said even though he supports the Council of Patriots, he does not support any campaign that will call on the President to step down.
According to Senator Johnson, the so-called ‘step down campaign’ might threaten the peace the country currently enjoys.
“To those of you who are organizing this step down campaign, I say it does not in any way mean well for Liberia; as such my family and supporters will not be a part,” Senator Johnson indicated.
“Liberia is a country of laws, not of man; so let us give President Weah the chance to serve; thereafter we will make our decision through the ballot box,” he pointed out.
The Bomi County Senator used the occasion to call on citizens of Bomi County to stay away from the December 31 campaign.
He told Journalists that he was elected to maintain the peace and as such he will apply every effort to protect the country’s peace.
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