LIBERIA: Sehyikimpa Residents Happy over Gov’t –AML Reported Plan to Relocate GW Harley Hospital
By: Melish Gbor, Nimba D-9 TV

Sehyikimpa Nimba County Liberia—– Over the weekend, a cross section of citizens from Sehyikimpa Town in Nimba County welcomed a team of reporters from Nimba D-9 TV who had gone to asked of the impression over plans by the government and AML to relocate the GW Harley Hospital to their Town.
GW Harley, built in 1947 in Sanniquellie City is the largest public health facility in Nimba County. It has seen severe depreciation which celled for its recent renovation to which AML contributed more than $45,000.
The renovation saw the roof and other components of the hospital entirely changed and dedicated.
Its nearness to the rail which enables transportation of iron ore from Yekepa to the port of Buchanan has prompted a bigger plan for a total relocation of the hospital to Sehyikimpa.
It is for this planed relocation that the government of Liberia has asked ArcxelorMittal Liberia to contribute and that according to the medical director; the company will be making available more than $250,000.
Fifteen men and women of the town who spoke with a team of Nimba –D-9 TV reporters separately expressed joy that their community is poised be the home of a modern structure to host Nimba County’s oldest hospital.
Here is a summary of their views as reported by Nimba D-9 with some translations from local Mano dialect:
Esther Yeaney-“I am very happy that our home selected for the construction of this hospital. This will bring more relief us, our daughters when they are in labor. It is most often difficult for us to carry pregnant women through far to reach areas, but now it will be easy for us. Our children who are educated will equally work and we have houses that hospital workers will rent “.
Kou-“If AML-GOL starts the construction work today, I will give room to those who will come do the work, feed them and I will even help to in speeding up the work. I am happy for you people to come and hear from us”
Teta-“We don’t deliver women in communities as the government has passed a law against that but getting Sanniquellie has been too difficult for us. But now that the hospital is coming here, it will be easy for some of us.”.
Nyah Newah-” When our home was selected and the land provided, I knew that AML was coming to help the government including the community. We are so happy that a media team will come to hear from us and for the world to know we are happy for what AML is doing. We are highly in support of this news and we can’t wait to see it come to pass”.
Roland Zoyah-” AML is doing well and this will benefit us as citizens from Sehyikimpa because we will have businesses running and job will be there. We have to be preparing ourselves for the days ahead. Thanks to Nimba D-9 TV for coming to hear from citizens on this side of the county”
Larry Korto-” This is a welcoming development as it will be a great relief for our mothers when they are in delivery and for us to get jobs as well. For so long, we have suffered and are still suffering to get to hospital. So if AarcelorMittal and government bring the new hospital here it is very good for us”
Terry Z. Quoi-” I appreciate Nimba D-9 TV for reaching out to us as this is the first time for the media to reach us the citizens in getting our reactions about development coming in our community. More often it is the bad news the media will take and leave the good news but since you guys are coming for the good news about our health, we are happy. ArcelorMittal-Liberia contribution for the plan to relocate the hospital here is news of hope for all of us. We are waiting and all prepared to work with the team”
James K. Gbato-” We are happy and the first benefit is our mothers will not be suffering again. To have hospital het like other people saying will be a good thing and we want in transporting them over to Sanniquellie when they are in pain”
The citizens of Sehyikimpa where the new GW Harley Hospital’s planned location is expected stand to benefit a lot when the project starts and meets completion.
Some of the residents are even asking AML to do the project all by herself to avoid delay.
ArcelorMittal Liberia has evidently continue to stand with the people of Nimba County over the years with the provision of assistance ranging from education, training, healthcare, and infrastructural development.
This is in addition to regular annual payment of about $1.5 million in social development funds to Nimba alone.
With the commencement of phase two of its mining operations in Liberia aimed at building an ore concentrator in Yekepa, upgrading the rail with additional investments, the optimism is that the people of Nimba will continue to benefit from a company with a clear vision for community development.
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