LIBERIA: Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish Crowns AFELL President Mother of the Year

The Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish, Catholic Church has crowned the President of the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL), Atty. Philomena Tugbeh Williams as ‘Mother of the year 2023-2024.’

In a brief remark following her honor, the AFELL boss encouraged all mothers to love unconditionally. 

According to her, loving unconditionally will bring out the affection of caring for

Others. Speaking further, The AFELL President emphasized on the role of a mother.

At the same time, the AFELL boss has made a passionate plead to the Government of Liberia through the Minister of Justice.

“Considering that an autopsy was performed on little Charloe Musu, and no independent autopsy  is being requested by the family,  the government should give little Charloe Musu a befitting  funeral  and burial,” she said.

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