LIBERIA: Rep. Fonati Koffa Demonstrates Kinship With Senator Coleman, Pave Way For His Reelection

Representative Koffa doing in his power to campaign for Senator Peter Coleman in Grand Kru County

Grand Kru County District # 2 Representative, Cllr. Jonathan Fonati Koffa who has been in the County for weeks doing all in his power for the reelection of his kinsman, Senator Peter Coleman has finally cast his vote.

Representative Kofa casting his vote

According to report from the County, Representative Koffa in his bid has taken off time to visit various cities, towns, and villages in the County winning huge support for his legislative colleagues, a situation described by many as a nationalism drive on the part of Cllr. Koffa.

According to the report, since his arrival in the County, the Grand Kru County District # 2 Representative has proven to his kinsmen that he has always prioritized the issue of togetherness  amongst the Caucus of the County, this move have been lauded by citizens of the County pouring praises on their kinsman, Representative Koffa.

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