LIBERIA: Rep. Duncan Tops Sinoe County Development Agenda …. Completed Over Thirty-Five Projects

District # one Representative and senatorial aspirant, Hon. Crayton O. Duncan has positively impacted the lives of his people in the county because he has undertaken a good number of f district development projects in the county.
The Sinoe county lawmaker revealed that he has succeeded in making the county what it should be having successfully completed over thirty-five projects in his county.
Rep. Duncan added that as the people’s deputy in the 54th National Legislature, besides the already completed projects is Sinoe county, he is carrying on additional five district projects. He promised his people that he will not be like the current senator of Sinoe county J. Milton Teahjay who according to him was only able to do one project over the eight years he spent in the senate.
Rep. Duncan spoke to legislative reporters during the week upon his return from Sinoe County. Both Rep. Duncan and Rep. Matthew Zarzar are eyeing the senatorial seat for the county come 2023 elections against the incumbent senator J. Milton Teahjay.
Meanwhile, according to intensive investigation conducted by a team of legislative reporters, Rep. Duncan is said to be on top of his fellow lawmakers from Sinoe county in terms of development.
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