LIBERIA: Police Probes People Restoration Party Acting Chairman, Richmond Yarkpa For Alleged Forgery

By Dyujay Jackson

Richmond D.K. Yarkpah, PRP National Chairman

Despite the ongoing legal battle between the four collaborating political parties ahead of the 2023, general and presidential elections, police in Monrovia have charged the acting Chairman of the Peoples Restoration Party for forgery and other crimes.

Defendant Richmond D.K Yarkpah, Acting Chairman of the People Restoration Party was arrested due to a complaint filed by the party’s Public Relation Officer, Alexander C Zharn  to the Inspector General of the Liberia National Police, Patrick Sudue.

In his complain, Mr. Zharb  alleged that some members of the party including Mrs. Lusu Togbah and others, names were written on an attendance list accompanying with signatures purporting to be their signature without their consent.

Mr. Zharn, accused chairman Togbah, of having knowledge of forgery or counterfeiting the constitution of the people Restoration Party.

The case with the People Restoration Party will bring to two the legal battle with the opposition community, as a stand the Alternative National Congress is currently in a battle with the All-Liberian Party, while the Liberty party is divided on leadership struggle now; we have the PRP that is expected to begin it legal crisis with it acting chairperson.

Predicted upon the complained the Liberia national police quickly move in and realized that the People Restoration Party have been having leadership crisis for which the national elections commission mandated the party thru its organizing committee members and six non-committee members.

The police charged sheet revealed that defendant Tarkpah, submitted to the NEC and attendance sheet on which sixteen organizing committee members and six non-committee members name were written justifying that a meeting was held on march 22, 2022 authoring the party to a convention.

Those listed as part of the 16, organizing committee members are. Lusu Togbah , Rooservelt Queegay, David Sartoe, Reuben Eli, Elton A. Roberts, Chris Shagbeh, Christain Sagbeh, Samuel T Tarlue, Abel B Sarty , Jefferson F, Mcgill , Sampson Freeman , Mercy Suku , Perry w Chea and Amos Young among others.

The Police finding also shows that not only defendant Richmond Yarkpah , submitted the falsified attendance list dated march 22, 2022 to the NEC but he claimed to have supervised the so-called meeting on the date mentioned herein.

But responding to police investigators, the defendant said that moment after the certification of the People Restoration Party on April 2021, the party has been challenged with a lot of misunderstanding amongst its members which fraction it into two opposing group.

He revealed that one being loyal to Alexander Kollie , resident of the United States of America while other faction look up to him for leadership and guidance.

Suspect Richmond D.K Yarkpah, narrated that they met at the NEC on several occasions trying to resolve their difference until NEC finally mandated on march 16, 2022 that within 20, Days from the ruling.

He said the PRP should be able to have it convention or otherwise face the penalties with the new election law.

He went on to say that, based on this mandate the organizing committee of forty 45, membership constituting delegates from the 15 counties endeavor to meet and plan for their convention.

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