LIBERIA: Police Allays Fear amid News of Mysterious Deaths, Disappearances heighten

The leadership of the Liberia National Police on today, September 29, 2021 held a live broadcast on state radio (ELBC) to comment on the growing wave of reported mysterious deaths and disappearances of people in Monrovia and other parts of the country.
In its nationwide broadcast, the police publicly rubbished the news of mysterious deaths and disappearances describing such threatening news as myth, noting that people who are in such habit are rallying native posture to publicly bring the CDC-led to public disrepute.
The Inspector General of the Liberia National Police, Col. Patrick Sudue speaking on the live broadcast blamed those who he said are using the social media to spew out misinformation to the public which he noted is aimed at condemning the gallant efforts of the Liberian government to restore peace and sanity to its citizenry.
Col. Sudue made specific reference of a photo of a lady whose stomach was seen opened with all her inner part reportedly pulled out her remains which went virus on the social media and other outlets was not done here as it is been perceived by many Liberians who saw said photo.
He said such photograph did not come from Liberia, but said detractors of this government have resolved to mislead the public with such photo, and further called on Liberians to desist from spreading false information in the public.
Inspector Sudue also informed the public that the news of deaths and disappearances in the country is untrue, but noted that only incident which took place in the southeast is the only one that the police is aware of.
In a related development, the police has said recent report that the Secretary General of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP) was shot at by unknown armed men is untrue, but rather he shot himself in his car, and further noted that investigation is underway to bring the PLP officials to book for false alarm.
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