LIBERIA: Peer Educator Wants Parents Allow Children Pay Attention to Family Planning
Boys and Girls Must Religiously Use Condoms To Avoid Unwanted Pregnancies, Diseases
By: Emmanuel S. Koffa | GNN Correspondent| Grand Kru County|

As many teenagers (below 18 years old) are involved into early sex which mostly lead to unwanted pregnancies and then making to become young babies’ mothers, a Train Peer Educator, Ms. Sandra Nimely has called on parents to encourage their children to regularly visit health centers, and to take their family planning (contraceptive pills).
Ms. Nimely, speaking in an exclusive interview with the GNN in the County, said ‘family planning’ helps one to determine freely the number; the spacing of their children and the choice to have child or not.
She said it is very important to take ‘family planning’ most especially for young girls who are engaged into what is locally ‘man and woman business’, noting that it helps to brighten one future, in order for them to achieve their goals.
The peer educator disclosed that the family planning is always available at the Health facility and it is free to all citizens.
“There are many family planning methods which prevent you from getting pregnant, the birth control pills, using of condoms, three months contraceptive among others,” Ms. Nimely stated.
She at the same time expressed her frustration over children who have not reached the age of reproducing babies today are seen with babies which she said caused embarrassment for the parents.
“This will bring hardship to the parents, parents supporting the home and at the same time supporting you and your child”. She made the disclosure on August 26, 2020 when she appeared on Radio Ahteenah regular radio Talk show “Women and Girls Talk.”
She added: “The idea of parents stopping their children from taking family planning are the reasons for their early pregnancy, taking the family planning won’t cause damage to the child in the future if she decides to be a baby mother as some parents believed.”
She further encouraged both boys and girls to always use the condoms to prevent them from diseases and other sickness like Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI) AIDs and etc.
“Taking the family planning is preventing you from getting pregnant but not protecting you from getting these sicknesses and diseases, so while having sex tell your partner to use the condom to prevent the both of you”.
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