LIBERIA: NaFAA Continues the Japanese Outboard Engines Distribution In Montserrado, and Other Counties

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, (NaFAA) in collaboration with the National Coast Guard and the Liberia National Police will shortly begin a three -month massive enforcement and compliance of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Management and Development Law as it relates to the collection of the 2021-2022 fishing license fees and that of cold storage fees across the nine coastal counties of Liberia. The nine coastal counties include Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Sinoe, Grand Kru and Maryland.

A Press Release from NaFAA is quoted as saying “the Compliance and Enforcement team will ensure within the three-months period that fishermen and cold storage Operators make full payment of their fees before going to fishing”.

According to the Director General, Hon. Emma Metieh Glassco, “the Compliance and Enforcement Team will not hesitate to make seizure or arrest of persons not licensed and fishing illegally in Liberian waters”.

She added that “the team will also close down cold storages operating illegally across the counties”.

Hon. Glassco emphatically indicated that absolutely, no fishermen will be allowed to go fishing without being in full compliance of their 2021-2022 fishing license fees as NaFAA Inspectors, the Liberia National Police and the Liberia National Coastal Guard will be patrolling the coastal waters and coastal communities.

Hon. Glassco is therefore “calling on Fishing Chiefs and Chairman of the Fisheries Cooperatives in the nine coastal counties to begin mobilizing fishermen to be in full readiness to comply by paying their 2021-2022 fishing license fees before heading for the waters”.

In a related development, the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority NaFAA, will this weekend continue the distribution of the free outboard Yamaha Engines to the Officers of the Fisheries Cooperatives established in Montserrado, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, and Margibi Counties.

The Deputy Director General for Technical Services at NaFAA Hon. William Y. Boeh disclosed that the distribution of the Outboard Yamaha engines will begin in Montserrado and later take place in Bomi, Grand Cape Mount and Margibi Counties.

Hon. Boeh mentioned that the Montserrado County Outboard Engines distribution will take place in two fishing communities beginning this Friday January 7, 2022 to Saturday January 8, 2022 respectively.

Meanwhile, Hon Boeh has further disclosed that this Friday Outboard Engines distribution will take place in the Borough of New Kru Town with Fisheries Cooperatives Leaders from Kpekor, Banjor, Popo Beach and West Point fishing communities. They Cooperatives officials from those communities will converge at the Popo Beach fishing community for the distribution.

He also noted that on Saturday, the Outboard Engines distribution will take place in the King Gray Fishing Community in Paynesville City where other Fisheries Cooperatives Leaders from Bernard Beach, King Gray and ELWA Beach will converge to receive their engines.

The Fisheries Cooperatives were established by the Cooperative Development Agency (CDA) with support by the    National fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA).

The main Function of the Fisheries Cooperatives among other things is to enhance unity, empowerment and development among fisherfolks.

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