LIBERIA: Mysterious Deaths In Maryland County, As TU Female Student Lifeless Body found Again
From E. Varney Kamah GNN Correspondent In Mato the ryland County

Report coming from the southeastern Liberia, Maryland County to be specific has revealed that another student of the Tubman University in Harper has mysteriously died, Sodee Nana Hyenneh lifeless body was discovered at 4:00pm in her own room in the Hance Street Community, Harper City.
Some time ago one Anthony Tiaka and little Levi Koffa were found dead at separate locations; Tiaka was found dead in his room, while little Koffa was discovered dead in Lake Shepherd few months ago.

The report of the 15 men jury indicated that the late Sodee Nana Hyenneh must have died from a serious and or weighted stomach pain. The Jury also informed team of reporters in Maryland County that the body of the late Hyenneh got spoiled proir to the jury examination on the body.
“We are now living in fear here in Maryland County, what’s actually happening we can’t understand the too many death of Young people most especially those at the University level seeking for higher learning for a better Liberia. Citizens in Maryland County sorrowfully expressed.
Eyes witness has informed our Correspondent in Maryland County that the late Sodee N. Hyenneh was a senior student in the Nurse department, College of Health Sciences and was seem on Tubman University Campus this gone Monday August 29, 2022 for her registration process.
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