LIBERIA: Lebanese Culture Union Donates Computers and Printers To Labour Ministry

The Lebanese Culture Union of Liberia has donated four high speed desktop computers and four printers to the Ministry of Labour.

Making the donation on Friday, August 30, 2019 on behalf of the Lebanese Community in Liberia, the President Mr. Armed Wazni thanked the Labour Minister and his team for the level of professionalism, cooperation and understanding shown in addressing several employment related issues in the labour sector of the country.

He said that this action on the part of the currently administration of Ministry has helped to strengthen the level of friendship between the Ministry and his Union as well as promote industrial harmony and peace at various workplace across the country and thereby reducing labour disputes across the country.

Mr. Wazni further praised the Ministry of Labour for sitting up an official website intended to disseminate labour information to the public and assured the Ministry of his Union’s commitment to collaborating with it in the development of the capacity of Ministry to enable in effectively reach out to members of the labour sector noting that the website will help their Union as well. “I believe that the newly developed website of the Ministry will even help us as employers to get our labour related documents in a timely manner and avoid the long bureaucracy”.

He noted that donation is in support of the many achievements of Minister Kollie’s administration has made in recent time and hope that the relationship between the Ministry and the Lebanese Culture Union will continue to grow from strength to strength.

In response, the Labour Minister Hon. Chief Moses Y. Kollie who could not hold back his emotion upon receiving the equipment, said he was excited and acknowledged on behalf of the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Labour the timeliness of the donation and significant to the Ministry.

Minister informed the Lebanese Culture Union that the government highly recognized their Union as partners to the growth and development of the country’s economy by extension the labour sector and as part of the Tripartite Council of the Country’s labour sector.

The Liberia Labour Boss reassure members of the Lebanese Culture Union (many of whom are employers) of plans and programs the Ministry had introduced in recent time aim at improving coordination and consultation with stakeholders in the labour sector.

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